How to Gain Weight Fast

Healthy You Always
3 min readSep 7, 2023


How to Gain Weight Fast

If you want to gain weight in a healthy way, choose foods like nuts, dried fruit, dairy, meat and shakes. It will help you to gain weight in a very short span of time.

What food is good for gaining weight?

It’s important to gain weight the right way. Drinking soda and eating donuts and junk food might make you gain weight at first but it can lead to heart problems, diabetes, and cancer. To gain weight in a healthy way, focus on gaining muscle and some fat not just a big belly. Having too much fat can cause diabetes and other issues even if you’re not heavy. To gain weight safely, eat good food and stay healthy by exercising, sleeping enough and reducing stress if you can.

Why is gaining weight important?

Some people are naturally thin because of their genes or a fast metabolism. Being too skinny can mean you’re not eating well or have health problems. Even if you’re not very skinny some people want to gain muscle and get bigger for different reasons. The basic rules for gaining weight are the same whether you’re too thin or just want more muscle.

What does it mean to be ‘underweight’?

Being ‘underweight’ means having a low Body Mass Index (BMI) which suggests you might not be as healthy as you should be. But remember, the BMI only looks at weight and height and doesn’t consider muscle. People can have different BMIs and body types and still be healthy. So a low BMI doesn’t always mean you’re unhealthy.

Causes of being underweight

Several medical issues can make you lose weight like eating disorders, thyroid problems, cancer, diabetes and infections. If you’re too skinny, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to check for serious health problems especially if you’re losing weight without trying.

Different ways to gain weight

To gain weight you can eat more calories, more protein and more carbs and fats. Focus on foods that are rich in energy.

How long does it take to gain weight?

If you eat 500 extra calories a day, you might gain about 6.8 Kg in 6 months. Eating an extra 1,000 calories a day could make you gain about 11.4 Kg in the same time. However, a lot of this gain might be fat. When you eat more and gain weight your body may adjust your appetite and metabolism. This is controlled by your brain and hormones like leptin.

In conclusion

There are many reasons to want to gain weight, but it’s essential to do it by eating healthy foods and building muscle. Changing your weight is a slow process not a quick one. It can take a long time, so you need to be consistent. If you’re struggling to gain weight despite trying these methods talk to a Doctor or Dietitian. They can help you with eating plans to reach your goal.

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