Interview questions for Freshers

Ashu Jha
2 min readJul 25, 2016


  1. What is your career goal?

The interviewers are always curious to know about your career goal. This is the reason behind asking this question. They try to analyze from your replies, whether you are a good choice for the particular job. Different questions they pose try to understand your liking for the industry you have chosen.

2. Why have you chosen this field?

In the answer of for question, the interviewers usually expect to hear about your choice, likes and dislikes for your field. You should be in a position to explain to them what you like in your chosen field. Your passion for the chosen field should be evident in your answer.

3. Are you a team player?

Every organization seeks team players. An individual need to have a very high level of understanding to be able to perform in a team. When they ask you whether you are one, you should be able to tell them how well you are while working in a team.

4. Are you a good leader?

Normally, freshers are expected to follow their seniors in most situations. Every organization looks for good leadership qualities in their employees. You are supposed to explain your leadership skills and your ability to understand the situation and find an apt solution.

5. Who is your mentor?

This question is asked because the interviewer wants to understand you as an individual also. They wish to understand whom you respect or take as a mentor.

6. Are you comfortable working on weekends?

Many times, freshers tend to answers by agreeing with such questions. You must remember that your first job work culture impacts your entire job life. If you choose to work on the weekends, you must never expect free time even during weekends. It is best to set a reasonable expectation in the very beginning. There is no harm in honestly stating that you do not hope to work during weekends as you wish to have sometime with your family too. A good company is sure to accept this answer in the right spirit.



Ashu Jha

Digital Marketing Consultant, Content Creator & Writer.