Ashutosh SinghUnderstanding KITTI dataset Part 2: 3D labels for objects.In Part-1 we introduced KITTI dataset briefly and went into details on projection matrices with a hands-on example of transforming point…Jun 29Jun 29
Ashutosh SinghUnderstanding KITTI Dataset Part-1: Hands-on Projection MatricesTable of contentsMar 23Mar 23
Ashutosh SinghBuild your own video encoder with AWS Batch, EC2, Docker and ffmpeg: Part-2In Part-1 we setup the application structure we will be using for our encoder along with building and pushing the docker image to ECR.Mar 18Mar 18
Ashutosh SinghBuild your own video encoder with AWS Batch, EC2, Docker and ffmpeg: Part-1Part-1: Code and pre-requisitesMar 18Mar 18
Ashutosh SinghHow to? Quantize FPN backbones in torchvisionPytorch has great support for quantization, but sometimes some custom models have to be modified to support quantization. This can include…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
Ashutosh SinghAffective Computing using Deep Learning-Part 3: Latent Subgroups Analysis for MAHNOB-HCIPlease make sure you read Part-1 for exploratory analysis and intuitions from affective computing datasets and if you want to explore works…Sep 3, 2023Sep 3, 2023
Ashutosh SinghAffective Computing Using Deep Learning-Part 2: Data Fusion, Introduction and Literature ReviewData fusion is the process combining data from multiple modalities with the goal of getting complimentary information from each modality to…Aug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023
Ashutosh SinghAffective Computing using Deep Learning-Part 1: MAHNOB-HCI dataset analysisTable of contentsAug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023
Ashutosh SinghDemystifying Average Precision and Average Recall for COCO evaluationIf you have worked or are working with datasets like COCO you must have come across the following terms — AP and AR. When I started using…Jul 5, 2023Jul 5, 2023