Far Away, Too Far Away

3 min readSep 18, 2020


1.The Ocean

Far away, too far away,

The footmarks moved further and faster,

Consumed by the sea’s odour.

They moved far away, (too far away.)

Dancing to their own tunes, Disturbing the sand dunes.

They walked as the sea and land met to witness them move far away

Hands that shiver, a heart that isn’t bold

couldn’t speak, couldn’t yell, reasons grew old.

without control, Tears roll-down both cheeks.

as they moved far away, (too far away.)

Dreams they shattered, Visions they lost

shadows grew taller, went into the dark

Promises that were broken, lessons were learnt.

With every step apart, battling doubts fear and urge

They moved far away, (too far away.)

Kneeling between them, thinking why

He was still fighting a fight that had died.

Hope knew though everything else faded,

He was to remain, even after both of them left in vain.

Couldn’t see each other, now oceans apart,

Every time they watched the horizon, they wonder

Will, they always be far away, too far away

2. Him

Time didn’t stop, it seemed a lot slower

He slept a lot longer, dreamt much lesser

His lads came by,

now and then,

Three-four shots, they built a world within

No one mentions her name,

but he was reminded, the silence that often came, screamed her name

Does a ship really move, or is it just at sea?

battling thoughts, of what he could be

Nothing to protect, nothing to care

knight in shining armour with only despair

Hurts all-over, the thought of a mistake

Was it him, was it her, no one could say?

Walks, rides and drives didn’t fill his soul

The hole she has left had taken its toll

He hits the barbells, up and high,

building himself, just so time could fly.

Every day was new, every day was fresh,

yet he came home to an unforgiving bed

Years went on, beard grew on

Time never healed; it just went on.


3. Her

She wept, she slept

she just wanted to wake up

from the pain, she felt.

Smiling about the times she cried,

Crying about the times she smiled.

She sat with a world in her mind

The polaroid’s she cut, the fire she made,

she didn’t know to forget, hoped it’ll fade

She felt a little life with her spinster friends,

she managed to smile wide, cried deep within.

Jesters came by pretending to be kings,

She threw them away, he had given her wings.

The words, the voice still in her head,

the love she felt, even when wanting him dead.

Rethinks-rebounds an infinite loop,

is this what she wants, is this her big coup.

She shopped, she chopped

envying a lobster, as she threw it in boiling water.

She turned heads as she walked into any place,

she couldn’t help it, she searched for his face

Alone she walked, into dark nights

ever-changing moon, reminding her that she too might

The gifts, the letters, she kept throwing away

His eyes, his comfort, she was only hiding them in some way.


4. Them

A night so dark, the moon and stars had failed,

he caught a glimpse, of his long-lost tale.

A dark dress which made fun of the night,

her shiny red heels, couldn’t miss that sight!

Her hair was different, she was looking at the sky

her skin, her lips, he knew her perfect eyes.

She turned her head away from the moon

saw the man standing, she heard the tune

Eyebrows high, clothes were older.

The lights were flickering, he looked a lot bolder.

split coffee near his tall feet,

if she moved any closer, their shadows will meet

A crossroad under the roof of stars,

they stood across each other, in their paths.

They’re eyes stopped moving, they’re hearts dosed

A Rush of feelings that froze,

The thoughts the doubts, now nothing opposed.

Taking steps like a toddler, slowly, so deeply,

they came closer.

He opened his arms,

put his head down,

she could hear his teardrops that hit the ground.

she fell into him; he wrapped her tight.

closer than ever, hugging her with all his might.

Weak in the knees, they both kneeled.

A second, a moment, they were sealed.

A smile so true, an unknown warmth.

All night they stood,

a word they couldn’t say.

Everybody wonders,

Were they really far away?

