We are Multi-Dimensional Beings

4 min readJul 14, 2023


Illustration of Multiverse. Shows the back of man sitting in front of two computers at a desk as a world of colours opens up to a blue sky in front of him
Illustration of Multiverse from Pixabay

The stream of thought in this post is the result of getting tired of sitting idle on a sick day off from work. In the evening I turned to YouTube and randomly started watching this video . I stopped mid-way as I started wondering about our existence in a four dimensional world. Soon I had one questions after another. Each answer led me to another question. I thought it best to put down all the answers I was able to think through. So here they are.

Revisiting Dimensions

Thumbnail of the YouTube video titled “Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph”. Shows a wave of light across the face of a man with the caption Time is an Illusion
Thumbnail of the YouTube video titled “Time Does Not Exist. Let me explain with a graph”

The video re-introduces us to the concept of dimensions. We are familiar with the three dimensions or even understand the concept of the fourth dimension.

The three primary dimensions are length, breadth and height. Each of these are measured in whatever the metric system you prefer. Existing in a three dimensional universe, we naturally understand and navigate a three dimensional world.

All the three dimensions of length, breadth and height exist perpendicular to each other (at an angle of 90 degrees each). With this structure, we cannot introduce a fourth dimension using the same measuring devices. Thus to introduce a fourth dimension we have to employ a completely different unit of measurement — time.

With the introduction of the fourth dimension we realise that we are four dimensional beings. We experience our universe across the three dimensions of length, breadth and height, and we constantly move forward in time.

We can move across and measure our existence across the three dimensions using the unit of measurement of the fourth. For example, we can say that at a certain point in time we were at place X and moved in the direction of place Y between that time and the present.

Thus when we try to consider what the fifth dimension could be, we have to look for a metric that can be used to specify our being, our existence, across all four of the remaining dimensions. Now, we do not have a concept of a fifth dimension as we haven’t yet discovered it. But when it is discovered, we will be easily able to explain our existence across the other four dimensions.

A View from Another Dimension

Thumbnail of YouTube Video titled “11 Dimensions Explained”. Shows many earth-like planets across the darkness of space with the caption — All 11 dimensions explained
Thumbnail of YouTube Video titled “11 Dimensions Explained”

This second video mentions the existence of 11 dimensions and refers to many more dimensions that may exist. While I do not necessarily agree with their idea of those dimensions, there is one idea that I would like to expand on.

Let’s look at the example of a being that exists across only three dimensions — length, breadth and time. How will such a being experience a four dimensional object moving through its three dimensional world. Think of an apple falling through a sheet of paper. The two dimensional being will see a point suddenly appear into existence, consistently grow big, and then suddenly sprout more points within itself (seeds) and then being to grow smaller till it finally reduces back into a single point before disappearing into nothingness.

The three dimensional being wouldn’t understand what happened and why. It may create myths or scientific theories to explain this — design scientific experiments, create instruments to replicate what happened. But all the mythology or science of a three-dimensional being will always be inadequate to explain a four dimensional world.

Now consider our experience of a fifth or higher dimensional being or object appearing or passing through our four-dimensional universe. It will be similar - something suddenly sprouting into existence, moving across space and time in ways that we do not understand or be able to explain.

We call such experiences miracles, magic or perhaps even alien. But that is just because we have no ability to visualise what higher dimensions are.


On this plane, we have evolved from being single celled organisms that had a single dimensional experience, into multi-cellular organisms that had two and then three dimensional experience of our universe. As we evolved further as humans, we discovered time to be a fourth dimension.

While we always existed in a four dimensional world, we only discovered our abilities and capabilities in four dimensions as we evolved.

Similarly, we may discover additional dimensions as we evolve further. Whenever that happens, we will discover abilities or be able to explain things that we already experience. We may already be aware of such abilities and consciously or unconsciously use them. But we do not identify those abilities as belonging to a higher dimension.

It could our ability to imagine, or dream, or may be even telepathy. Who knows? These may be the evidence of our higher dimensional abilities. What I know is that it is a matter of time before we discover these higher dimensions.

Parting Thought

I have just one last thought that I would like to leave you with. Please give it some thought and ponder over what it means to you and see if it aligns with any other world view that you have.

What if we are all the four-dimensional expressions of a single multi-dimensional being? How would that change your perception of your world?

