Ashwini Rao Holla
3 min readMar 28, 2021

5 things we can learn from sisterhood

Photo of my sister and me after we got our first tattoo
Picture of author getting her first tattoo with her sister

A relationship between sisters is as unique as a snowflake. My sister and I are crazy when together and love the Disney movie ‘Frozen’ so much that we actually got ourselves inked on impulse!

She is 5 years younger and 5cm taller to me… That’s the line I use to introduce her to anyone new. We are opposite in our natures yet closely knit like 2 sides of the same coin. We are made of the same mettle.

She loves making things by hand and has gifted me things like a homemade satin bookmark, a soft toy and a woolen purse to name a few. It’s her milestone birthday today, I want to gift her in the way I know best- writing!

Don’t worry, this article is not going to be about a public display of affection. It’s going to be more about what I have learnt through this beautiful bond of sisterhood. Best part is that it can be applied across any relationship.

1. Celebrating success and growing together

Thanks to our upbringing, equality is our basic expectation. In school, we had the system of distributing chocolates on our birthday. We made it a point to bring home each chocolate that we receive and divide it between us. Now as grown ups, we motivate each other to pursue our dreams and celebrate success just like our own (if not more). Oh yes, our love for chocolates hasn’t faded either!

Want to stress the applicability of this specially in our workplace. In the rat race, we come across egos and jealousy coming in the way. If we consciously choose to collaborate and grow in a healthy environment, there will be better productivity and higher results witnessed.

2. The start needn’t be perfect, it’s the actions to improve that counts.

To be fair, our relationship as sisters wasn’t all that rosy during our childhood. During our family gatherings, my sister doesn’t leave any chance to pull my leg with it. I was this “popular” extrovert who didn’t like being seen around my “meek” little sister. There have been so many moments that I’m guilty of during our school days but now I’ve come to terms with it. I can’t change my past but I know I’m giving my best self to her in the present and will always be there for her in future too, no matter what.

3. Be brutally honest with each other

We may have difference of opinions and different ways of going about with things. If some decision is taken, we stand by the other person through thick and thin. Sometimes it may even go beyond our understanding, we have the freedom to be blunt to each other about our differences.

There’s been this incident when she didn’t agree with my choice and despite everything I couldn’t let go of that fact until few years later. Although I wish the situation could have been handled in a less hurtful manner, in retrospect, she was right in sharing her honest opinion. I’m grateful that life took a turn I never anticipated and I’m happily settled now.

4. Being a good listener and a moral compass

We can bounce off any random idea or experiences with each other without the fear of being judged. Whether to give constructive criticism, to be a good listener during a venting out session or just lend a shoulder to cry, we read between the lines and respond accordingly.

5. So far yet so near

I learnt from her that if there’s trust and understanding in any relationship, long distances can work beautifully. In fact, in our case, our bond grew stronger only after I moved to hostel for studies. The vacantions that we spent were always special. Even now, despite living in different cities, we make sure to keep in touch and try our best to visit often. We know, for anything, we are just a phone call away.

Would like to end with a line from our favourite movie,

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Keep smiling always ❤

Ashwini Rao Holla

Continuous learner and a new mom who strongly believes in the power of relationships, positivity and smiles. Love reading, dancing, volunteering and writing. :)