CocoaPods Guide

Ashwini Shalke
2 min readJun 23, 2020


CocoaPods is an application dependency manager for Swift and Objective C. Using CocoaPods you can integrate 3rd party libraries in your Xcode Projects.

Now, how to install CocoaPods?

  1. Open terminal and type — “ sudo gem install cocoapods” and then give your password to install.

2. After the pod is installed successfully, open the terminal, and navigate to. your project folder.

3. Once you have navigated to the project folder, do “pod init”, this command will initialize CocoaPods and creates Podfile.

4. Open the Podfile using any text editing application.


5. Follow the instruction given on the library page to install the pod.

6. Add the line in your Podfile and save it.

7. Do “pod install” in your terminal and let pod finish the installation.

8. Once the installation is done, you can list the files by doing “ls” in the terminal.

9. In the project folder .xworkspace file has been created, from now on you should use this file, because this has pod install in it.

Hope you find this helpful 🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻

Enjoy Reading !!!

