The True Story Behind Captain Richard Phillips: A Different Narrative

Unveiling the Unsettling Reality: The Controversial Tale of Captain Richard Phillips and the Distorted Heroic Portrayal

Captain Richard Phillips
The True Hero


The popular film “Captain Phillips” starring Tom Hanks may have portrayed a heroic tale, but the true story of Captain Richard Phillips’ encounter with Somalian pirates paints a different picture. In reality, Phillips faced criticism from his crew, leading to a lawsuit against the company. This article delves into the events that unfolded during the MV Maersk Alabama hijacking in 2009.

Background: Somalian piracy emerged as a response to the environmental degradation of local waters, impacting the livelihoods of fishermen due to the dumping of toxic waste.


  • On April 7, 2009, Phillips, the captain of MV Maersk Alabama, ignored warnings and sailed into pirate-infested waters off the Somali coast.
  • During a pirate attack, Phillips, engaged in a fire drill, failed to take immediate action, leading to the pirates boarding the ship.
  • Despite attempts to deter the pirates, Phillips’ actions allowed them to take control of the ship, marking the first time in approximately two hundred years that pirates had boarded an American vessel.


  • Most of the crew sought refuge in the engine room, leaving Phillips and three others held at gunpoint.
  • A failed attempt to negotiate an exchange of hostages led to Phillips being forced onto a lifeboat with the pirates, who demanded a $2 million ransom for his release.
Captain Richard Phillips — Source (WBUR)


  • The USS Bainbridge and a security detail joined the Alabama, while negotiations took place.
  • Phillips attempted to escape on April 10 but was recaptured. Navy Seal Team Six arrived, and the pirates eventually ran out of fuel.
  • Snipers on the Bainbridge, fearing for Phillips’ safety, eliminated the pirates on April 12, ensuring Phillips’ safe release.

Captain Richard Phillips

  • Born on May 16, 1955, in Massachusetts, Phillips graduated from the Maritime Academy in 1979.
  • Despite warnings and documented pirate activities, Phillips allegedly ignored crucial information, sailing into dangerous waters with a lack of anti-pirate security.

The True Hero

  • Contrary to the media portrayal, crew members asserted that Phillips’ actions endangered them, with some suggesting he had a desire to be taken hostage.
  • The crew filed a lawsuit against the company, which was settled out of court in 2013, coinciding with the implementation of compulsory vessel security measures.


The real story behind Captain Phillips challenges the heroic narrative presented in the film. While Hollywood and the media may depict him as a hero, the crew’s perspective and the lawsuit against the company reveal a different side to this gripping tale of piracy on the high seas.





Ashwin Palo | Performance Marketer

I am a family man with a loving wife and a beautiful Angel.I talk about Marketing, Martech, performance Marketing and Money.