Interesting facts about happiest and stupidest animal Quokka

2 min readMay 9, 2024

Quokka gives best advise to humans

Quokka mostly referred as the "Happiest and stupidest animal of the world"
Quokka the small and cute animal occurs Australia and famous for the their nature and friendly behavior. Here are some most interesting facts about quokka:

  • Mostly quokka known as nocturnal but also can be active during day time. These are herbivores and especially leaves eater.
  • They are small animals and females have pouches where they carry young ones and nurse them.
  • Quokkas are very peaceful and love sharing animal. As these animals are friendly but aren’t harmless as they are wild animals. Quokka is the first cousin of kangroo.
    Why they called Happiest?
    Quokka called Happiest because of their smiley face so they always smile ☺️.
    Why they called stupidest?
    They called stupidest animal in the world due to it’s friendly behavior, it always tries to play with snakes and foxes that eat them.
    So because of it’s stupidity quokka is in danger.
    How they defend themselves?
    Quokka have little strange defense mechanism. When quokka is in danger as see a predator nearby, it sacrifice its own baby and throw out of it’s pouch.

Great lesson for humans

Love must be shared in life but never becomes quokka.


