GPT-4 | Here comes ChatGPT’s more advanced artificial intelligence chatbot GPT-4

asibul islam
2 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

ChatGPT, the new invention of artificial intelligence, has recently created a stir. This time the more modern and improved GPT-4 (GPT-4) is coming. GPT-4, 500 times stronger than ChatGPT, will be released next week. It is believed that this new discovery will change the whole world.

ChatGPT’s current version GPT-3.5 (GPT-3.5) has 175 billion machine learning parameters (Machine Learning Parameters). But the new GPT-4 has 100 trillion parameters. This new invention can process all types of data including images, audio, video, numbers. GPT-4 will respond 82 percent less than GPT-3.5 when allowed to process any prohibited content.

From next week you will be able to write a movie script using artificial intelligence (AI). You can create your own actor, make a picture and bring it to the audience alone. No flesh-and-blood actors will be needed. However, the question remains as to how a technology that outputs only in written form will perform the actor’s work.

From next week you can write a 200 page book in one day. The point is, the work that was impossible until now without collective action, can now be done alone. Experts say that the era of Singularity is coming in the coming days. ChatGPT’s steady rise is the first step of that era.

“We created GPT-4 which is a milestone,” said OpenAI, the ‘product’ of ChatGPT. It is a multimodal model i.e. able to accept different types of input including images, text and output in written form. While not as efficient as humans in terms of real-world scenarios, it is capable of performing human-like tasks on various occupational and educational criteria.

