Beyond Create-React-App: Exploring Modern Alternatives for React Development
3 min readNov 28, 2023

For years, create-react-app (CRA) has been the go-to starter kit for React developers, providing a simplified way to spin up new projects. However, with the evolving JavaScript ecosystem, certain limitations of CRA have become apparent, leading developers to seek more efficient, flexible alternatives. In this article, inspired by discussions from developers like those at and insights from Eren Eroglu on Medium, we explore why the React community is moving beyond CRA and delve into some of the promising alternatives, particularly focusing on Vite.

1. The Limitations of Create-React-App

  • Performance Issues: CRA has been criticized for slow build and reload times, especially in large applications. This can hinder development speed and efficiency.
  • Configuration Restrictions: CRA comes with a predefined webpack configuration, which makes customizing the build process cumbersome. Developers seeking more control over their build configuration often find themselves “ejecting” from CRA, which can introduce complexity.
  • Modern Tooling Compatibility: As new tools and frameworks emerge, CRA’s compatibility with these innovative solutions can lag, leading developers to look for more adaptable alternatives.

