My Cute Dog!!!!

Understands my Language!!!

3 min readSep 16, 2023
Credit goes to my Nephew... His Drawing and Painting 🐶

Once upon a time in a little town, a cute little dog found in park, named as Rocky. Rocky was not like any ordinary dog...he had a special gift – he could understand both English and Hindi. His owner, a kind-hearted man named Aryan, had taught him these languages since he was just a puppy🐶🐶

Rocky and Aryan shared an unbreakable bond. Every morning, Aryan would wake up to Rocky's wagging tail and his cheerful "Good morning!" in English. Rocky's warm greetings never failed to make Aryan smile. He would reply, "Good morning, Rocky!" in Hindi and off they went to start their day together.

Rocky loved going for walks with Aryan in the nearby park. As they walk along, they would talk to each other in a mix of English and Hindi languages. Aryan would say, "Let's go, Rocky!" when it was time to move and Rocky would respond with a joyful bark.

Photo by Bill Stephan on Unsplash

One sunny afternoon, while they were in the park, Aryan noticed a lost little girl who seemed to be crying. He kneeled down and asked Rocky, "Rocky, can you help us find her parents?" Rocky nodded and immediately started sniffing around, searching for any clues. With his keen sense of smell and…




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