Three Levels of Happy Marriage

2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Married life is woven with different threads of bonds

Photo by Chelsey Hendricks on Unsplash

The important relation on earth is marriage. If you think about your life, it changes and takes direction with your marital life. These changes can be either positive or negative. It all depends upon your relationship with your partner. There are three levels or types of connections with your partner.

1. Physical

Sex is a part of it in which you go through physical activity and in physical connection, sex is the deepest level of relationship. It enhances love between couples and binds them closely in the string of pleasure, passion and ecstasy. Also kissing your spouse, rubbing off his/her back, and holding the arms all are examples of a physical connection. The fruits of these levels are mental wellness and the feeling of being cared for and loved.

2. Emotional

It is a very common experience that we enjoy the company of certain people. It is not because of that we are getting some kind of benefit of it. But we feel ourselves calm, composed and free of negativity. This is a kind of emotional connection which attracts someone to other. Similarly if we are connected emotionally with each other in our marriages, results will be very surprising. For example, couples say that they spent whole night in talking and didn’t feel where the time was gone. It’s very important to develop such emotional relationship because it not only sweetens your love and sex life but also evolve positivity in your personality.

3. Spiritual

A third connection which is the most important of all is spiritual. Most people have seen that couples emotionally attached transfer their affection to their children. And the couples who are detached from each other, their children are seen in some kind of psychological issues. The marriages which are connected by their roots in healthy family trees are shadows of calamities of life.

Husband and wife are not only a relation but is the key to better society. We must try to develop strong associations with our partners. Small things makes big difference. Love and sacrifice is the base of happiness. A happy martial life can make your life heaven or bad relations are hell in this world.

