How Can I Dissolve My Ego?

It is simple and easy

Asim Nori
2 min readMar 29, 2022
Photo by JESSICA TICOZZELLI from Pexels

My ego is made up of my thoughts.

It is a fragment of my energy and a culmination of my conditioning.

My continuous identification with my mind has resulted in the formation of this entity.

It feeds on my energy by generating thoughts that attract my attention.

I fall into this trap easily, leading to the strengthening of my conditioning and the hardening of the shell of my ego.

This in turn produces more thoughts of a similar kind, and the cycle of identification grows stronger and stronger.

The only way to break this cycle is by bringing in a certain degree of awareness within me. This is what entails the process of awakening.

Its first glimpse, an experience of thoughtless awareness, can only be had through an act of grace. However, once recognized, it then becomes my inner duty to realize its potential completely.

When I shift the focus of my attention to the present moment, I can experience this awareness in my everyday life. This allows me to create a space between myself and the thoughts of my mind.

With the help of this space, I can observe my thoughts as an entity that is separate from who I am. It also allows me to observe myself as an observer of these thoughts.

In this state, I AM the focus of my attention.

As a result of this, my energy is now directed inwards. It is no longer feeding the ego entity and no longer strengthening my mind’s conditioning.

I can extend these moments of awareness through the practice of mindfulness and meditation.

Being in prolonged periods of awareness cuts the link between my internal source of energy and the ego entity.

As the ego is no longer being replenished, over time its mental structures begin to collapse.

This is how I become free of the ego. This is how it dissolves and lets go of its grip on my psyche.

This is how the power of my awareness sets me free!

Hi, I am Asim and I write articles on spirituality, mindfulness, and living a conscious life. If you have enjoyed reading my posts, you can click here to support my writing.

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Asim Nori

A being on the path of remembrance, sharing experiences along the way.