Unleash the Speed Demon: Implementing Laravel Caching for Blazing-Fast Performance

Asis Sharma
3 min readMay 8, 2024


Hey there, Laravel developers! Ever feel like your e-commerce app is getting a little sluggish, especially when it comes to displaying product categories on the homepage? We’ve all been there. Those pesky database calls can add up, slowing things down for your eager shoppers. But fear not! Laravel’s caching system comes to the rescue!

Let’s break down how caching can supercharge your product category loading times. Imagine you have a well-stocked online store with a vast array of categories, from clothing to electronics. Every time a user lands on your homepage, your app needs to fetch all those category names from the database. This can become a bottleneck, especially during peak shopping hours.

Here’s where caching swoops in like a performance ninja. By strategically storing frequently accessed data, like product categories, in a temporary location, we can bypass those slow database calls altogether. Think of it like keeping your favorite pair of sneakers by the door — ready to grab and go without rummaging through the closet.

Here’s the technical nitty-gritty:

  1. Check the Cache First: Before your app dives headfirst into the database, it peeks into the cache to see if the product category data is already there.
  2. Cache It Up (if needed): If the data isn’t cached (or it’s a bit stale), we’ll grab it from the database as usual. But before we send it off to the view layer, we’ll smartly store it in the cache for future use.
  3. Serve from the Cache (like a boss): If the data is chilling in the cache, we’ll retrieve it lightning-fast and display those product categories on the homepage, keeping your users happy and ready to browse.

Here’s a code example to illustrate this caching magic:


// Hey Laravel, check the cache for product categories first!
$categories = Cache::get('product_categories');
// Not cached or outdated? Let's grab them from the database
if (!$categories) {
$categories = Category::all();
// Store the categories in the cache for 30 minutes
Cache::put('product_categories', $categories, now()->addMinutes(30));
// Now we have our categories, ready to display!
return response()->json($categories);

By caching product categories, we’re essentially saying:

  • “Hey database, take a break!” We’re reducing the number of database queries, which frees up resources for other important tasks.
  • “Faster loading times, anyone?” Users get a snappier response, leading to a more enjoyable shopping experience.
  • “Optimizing for efficiency!” We’re making the most of our server resources, keeping things running smoothly.

Now, the question becomes: how do we keep the cache fresh? Imagine adding a new category — we wouldn’t want users to see outdated information. There are a couple of approaches:

  • Manual Cache Refresh: Whenever you add or update product categories in your admin panel, you can manually clear the relevant cache. This triggers a cache refresh the next time the data is requested.
  • Automated Cache Invalidation: We can leverage Laravel events to listen for changes to the category model. When a change occurs, the cache is automatically cleared, ensuring users see the latest and greatest product categories.

By implementing caching and keeping your cache in check, you’re ensuring a high-performance e-commerce application that keeps your users happy and coming back for more. So, go forth and conquer those performance bottlenecks with the power of Laravel caching! Remember, a happy and speedy app is a successful app.



Asis Sharma

Passionate Web Developer | Expert in PHP, Laravel, React, and Node.js | Enhancing User Engagement and Optimizing Platforms