5 Acts of Kindness

Asiya Khan
3 min readNov 26, 2021


The word kindness seems like a small word but it has powerful impact. It has the power to influence people, make them smile and most of all appreciate and value life. The impact of kindness can’t be visualized immediately but it leaves long lasting impression on your own mind and others hearts. Today, I am trying to focus on act of kindness. So I am about to list down 5 small acts of kindness that I have tried to adopt within 24 hours.

  1. Smile:

I have met so many people in my life but the people who left their vibes with me are the ones who smiled at me. Even when I was having a bad day, a smile from someone would make me feel better. Today, I wanted to reciprocate that kindness by keeping a smile on my face for most of the time and make people feel welcome around me.

2. Kindness toward Animals:

I am an animal lover and it always pains me to see if any animal is suffering. I adopted a cat 5 years ago and since then, she became my source of happiness. I show her kindness everyday and I don’t miss a day when I don’t take care of her. And I encourage everyone to adopt a pet and be kind to them.

3. Watering Plants:

Plants are the ultimate source of survival for all living beings. We should take care of plants and be kind towards them. It seems like a very small act of kindness but it means we are taking care of whole environment and mother Earth. I tried to start this act of kindness today. And I want to encourage everyone that they start this with me.

4. Influence People:

I believe all the knowledge and wisdom we have is our responsibility to share with the world. And social media has made this job very easy. I tried to post on social media to influence people that I can reach out.

5. Write a Letter to loved one:

Expressing your feelings is a very beautiful part of life. Most of the time, it is difficult to communicate your feelings but it gives us a sense of peace. It makes us feel more connected towards each other. I wrote a handwritten letter to my sister in Canada. She is far away but I miss her and I wanted to express my feelings towards her. This act of kindness gave me a feeling of happiness and gratitude.

