Demystifying Support Vector Machines (SVM): A Beginner’s Guide to Expert Understanding

Asjad Ali
4 min readAug 28, 2023


An expert teaching machine learning to a beginner

Beginner: Hey there! I’ve been hearing a lot about Support Vector Machines lately, but honestly, I have no clue what they are. Can you break it down for me?

Expert: Yeah Sure! In machine learning, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data for classification and regression analysis.

Beginner: Can you explain how it actually works?

Expert: Of course! Think of Support Vector Machines (SVM) as rockstar algorithms in the world of machine learning. They’re like superheroes that help us draw lines or curves in the sand to separate different things, like apples from oranges.

Beginner: Wait, so they draw lines? How does that help?

Expert: Great question! Imagine you have a bunch of data points, and you want to separate them into different groups, like ‘A’ and ‘B’. SVM finds the best possible line that keeps the ‘A’ points on one side and the ‘B’ points on the other. This line, or hyperplane, is like a magical barrier that keeps the groups apart.

SVM algorithm image

Beginner: But what if the data is all jumbled up and messy? Can SVM still handle it?

Expert: Absolutely! SVMs can handle messy data like a champ. If the data isn’t neatly separated by a straight line, SVM uses a cool trick called the “kernel trick.” It’s like taking your data into a higher-dimensional space, where a twisted line can separate them. SVM does this mathemagic behind the scenes, making complex data look simple.

Beginner: So, there’s this term I’ve heard ‘support vectors.’ What’s that about?

Expert: Ah, yes, the support vectors! Think of them as the heroes of SVMs. They’re the data points that are closest to the line or curve we’re drawing. These support vectors guide SVM in finding the best possible position and orientation for the separating line, ensuring it’s not too close to any group.

Beginner: Is there something special about the space around the line?

Expert: Absolutely! It’s called the ‘margin.’ Imagine the line is a road, and the space on each side is the sidewalk. SVM aims to have the widest sidewalk possible while still keeping all the support vectors safe. A bigger sidewalk means our algorithm will do better when dealing with new data it hasn’t seen before.

Beginner: But what if things aren’t so clear-cut, and some data points are mixed up between the groups?

Expert: You’re onto something! In real life, data can be messy, and that’s where the ‘soft margin’ comes in. The soft margin allows a few data points to be on the wrong side of the sidewalk, as long as most of them are on the right side. It’s like letting a few rebels cross the road but keeping the majority in line.

Beginner: Got it! But can SVM do anything else besides separating things?

Expert: Absolutely! SVMs are versatile. While they’re great at sorting things into groups, they can also help predict values. For example, if you have a bunch of house details, SVM can predict the price based on features like square footage and location.

Beginner: Okay. So, Is there any types of SVMs?

Expert: Yes. There are different types of SVMs like Linear SVM, Non-linear SVM, One-Class SVM, Nu-SVM, C-SVM. But, I don’t want to confuse you. We’ll talk about it another day.

Beginner: This is fascinating! So, where do I start using SVMs in my own projects?

Expert: You can start by exploring libraries like scikit-learn in Python. They have ready-to-use tools for SVM. Remember, practice makes perfect. Try different types of problems, play around with the parameters, and see how SVMs behave. You’ll become an SVM pro in no time!

Beginner: Thanks a bunch for unraveling the mysteries of SVMs! I feel like I have a much better grasp of this now.

Expert: My pleasure! Don’t hesitate to dive into the SVM world. They’re like puzzle solvers for data mysteries. Embrace the SVM magic and have fun exploring the endless possibilities!

And there you have it! A beginner’s conversation with an expert, decoding the world of Support Vector Machines (SVM). From hyperplanes to support vectors, you’ve taken your first step into the exciting universe of machine learning. Happy learning and happy SVM-ing!



Asjad Ali

I am a Computer Science student at University of the Punjab. I am a Data analyst and paving my path towards Data scientist.