Understanding the NLP Pipeline: A Comprehensive Guide

Asjad Ali
9 min readJan 1, 2024


Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged as a critical domain in modern technology, enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. At the core of NLP lies the NLP Pipeline, a structured sequence of operations that is the backbone for building sophisticated language-centric applications. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of this pipeline, unravelling its key stages and the nuanced decisions involved in crafting effective solutions.

The NLP Pipeline:

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), an NLP pipeline is a sequence of interconnected steps that systematically transform raw text data into a desired output suitable for further analysis or application. It’s analogous to a factory assembly line, where each step refines the material until it reaches its final form.

Here’s a breakdown of the common stages in an NLP pipeline:

  1. Data Acquisition
  2. Text Preprocessing
  3. Feature Engineering
  4. Modelling
  5. Evaluation
  6. Deployment

Points to remember:

  • This pipeline is not universal.
  • This is ML pipeline and deep learning pipelines are slightly different.
  • NLP pipeline is non-linear (that means stages can have more dynamic connections, allowing for branching and iteration).

Now, let’s discuss the different NLP pipeline steps one by one in detail:

1. Data Acquisition

Data acquisition involves obtaining raw textual data from various sources to create a robust dataset for NLP tasks. It involves assessing the availability and accessibility of data, whether it’s readily available, needs supplementation, or requires creation from scratch.

While data acquisition, you will always face one of three situations:

(i) Data Available Scenarios

Here, you can further have three situations;

  1. Data on Your Desk: The data needed for the NLP task is already in possession. Initiate the text preprocessing stage immediately.
  2. Data in Databases: The required data resides within company databases or repositories. Collaborate with data engineers to retrieve the data.
  3. Less Data: Insufficient data volume for robust model training or analysis. Employ data augmentation techniques to enhance the dataset.

Data Augmentation Techniques:

  • Synonym Replacement: Replace words with their synonyms to diversify the dataset without altering the context significantly.
  • Bigram Flip: Alter word sequences by flipping bigrams to create variations.
  • Back Translation: Translate text to another language and then back to the original language, introducing diverse phrasing.
  • Adding Noise: Introduce random noise or perturbations to augment data.

(ii) Data from Other Resources

In scenarios where data isn’t readily available or needs supplementation, several strategies come into play:

  • Public Datasets: Utilize publicly available datasets from repositories like Kaggle, UCI Machine Learning Repository, or government databases, aligning them with the project’s requirements.
  • Web Scraping: Extract data from websites or forums by scraping relevant information. Tools like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy assist in collecting data from various websites.
  • APIs: Access data through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) offered by various platforms such as social media APIs (Twitter/X, Reddit), news aggregators, or linguistic databases.
  • PDFs: Extract text from PDF documents relevant to the project using libraries like PyPDF2 or PDFMiner.

(iii) Nobody has the Data

In cases where data isn’t available through conventional means, organizations might resort to alternate strategies:

  • Engaging Trusted Clients: Collaborate with trustworthy clients or users willing to share anonymized data relevant to the project’s goals.
  • Data Generation: If viable, companies can generate synthetic data or collect information through surveys, interviews, or user-generated content to build a dataset from scratch.

2. Text Preprocessing:

Text preprocessing is a critical phase in NLP, encompassing various steps to refine raw text data for meaningful analysis and model training. Let’s delve deeper into each stage:

(i) Basic Cleaning:

This initial stage focuses on eliminating irrelevant or disruptive elements from the text:

  • HTML Tag Removal: Stripping out HTML tags is crucial when working with web-based text sources. These tags contain formatting information and are unnecessary for linguistic analysis.
  • Handling Emojis: Managing emojis involves converting them to textual representations using emoji library or removing them entirely, depending on their relevance to the analysis.
  • Basic Spell Checks: Performing rudimentary spell checks to rectify common typographical errors and ensure consistency in the text.

(ii) Basic Preprocessing

Here, the primary goal is to prepare the text for further analysis by applying fundamental transformations:

  • Tokenization: Segmenting text into smaller units such as words or sentences (word tokenization and sentence tokenization). This step breaks down the text into manageable chunks.
  • Stop Word Removal: Eliminating common and less meaningful words (stop words) like “the,” “is,” etc., which don’t contribute significantly to the meaning of the text.
  • Stemming/Lemmatization: Reducing words to their root forms — stemming removes prefixes/suffixes, while lemmatization maps words to their base or dictionary form, aiding in standardization.
  • Lowercasing: Converting all text to lowercase to ensure uniformity in text analysis, as case sensitivity can affect certain NLP tasks.
  • Language Detection: Identifying the language of the text, is especially useful when dealing with multilingual content.

(iii) Advanced Preprocessing:

This stage involves more intricate linguistic analysis to delve deeper into the structural and semantic aspects of the text:

  • Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging: Assigning grammatical categories (like nouns, verbs, adjectives) to words in the text, providing insights into the syntactic structure.
  • Parsing: Analyzing the grammatical structure of sentences to identify relationships between words, and determining the syntactic roles and dependencies.
  • Coreference Resolution: Resolving references within the text, linking pronouns or noun phrases to their respective entities for coherent understanding and analysis.

3. Feature Engineering

Feature engineering in Natural Language Processing (NLP) involves transforming raw text data into numerical features that machine learning models can comprehend and utilize effectively. The goal is to represent text in a format that captures semantic meaning, contextual information, and relationships between words.

It can be done through various techniques:

(i) Bag of Words (BoW)

  • Represents text as a collection of unique words disregarding grammar or word order.
  • Creates a matrix where rows represent documents and columns represent unique words, with values indicating word occurrence frequencies.
  • Simple yet effective, but loses sequence information and context.

(ii) Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)

  • Measures the importance of words in a document relative to a corpus.
  • Considers both the frequency of a term in a document and its rarity across the corpus.
  • Assigns higher weights to rare terms that are more discriminative.

(iii) One-Hot Encoding

  • Represents words as binary vectors, where each word has a unique index in the vector.
  • Converts words into a high-dimensional space, with each dimension corresponding to a unique word.
  • Effective for small vocabularies but leads to high dimensionality and sparsity issues for large datasets.

(iv) Word Embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText)

  • Techniques that map words or phrases to dense vector representations in a continuous vector space.
  • Capture semantic relationships between words by placing similar words closer in the vector space.
  • Retain semantic meaning and context, useful for capturing word analogies and semantic similarities.

(v) N-Gram Models

  • Captures sequences of adjacent words (bigrams, trigrams, etc.) as features.
  • Preserves some sequence information, aiding in capturing context in language.

(vi) Dependency Parsing

  • Represents the grammatical structure of sentences as features.
  • Captures relationships between words through syntactic dependencies.

In ML-based applications, data scientists actively engineer features leveraging domain expertise to handcraft relevant inputs for the models, aligning with the problem domain.

Contrastingly, DL-based applications rely more on automated feature learning, allowing models to extract intricate patterns from raw data, reducing the direct dependency on manual feature engineering and to some extent, domain-specific inputs.

Imsgr on pexels

4. Modelling

The heart of the pipeline, where models are applied and evaluated using different approaches:

(i) Heuristic Approaches

Heuristic models rely on predefined rules or strategies based on expert knowledge to make decisions.

Application: Commonly used in simple text-based tasks where rule-based systems can effectively handle specific patterns or tasks, like keyword matching for sentiment analysis or rule-based chatbots.

(ii) Machine Learning (ML) Approaches

ML models learn patterns and relationships from data to make predictions or classifications.


  • Support Vector Machines (SVM): Effective for text classification tasks by finding the best separation between classes in a high-dimensional space.
  • Random Forests: Suitable for tasks like sentiment analysis or text categorization, leveraging ensemble learning for improved accuracy.

(iii) Deep Learning (DL) Approaches

DL models use neural networks with multiple layers to learn complex patterns and representations from raw data.


  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Effective for sequence-based tasks like language modelling, sentiment analysis, or machine translation.
  • Transformers: Particularly potent for attention-based mechanisms, excelling in tasks like language translation, text generation, and summarization due to their ability to capture long-range dependencies efficiently.

(iv) Cloud APIs

Cloud-based APIs offer pre-built, scalable models accessible via APIs, saving time and resources.


  • Google Cloud Natural Language API: Offers sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and language detection.
  • Microsoft Azure Text Analytics API: Provides sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, and named entity recognition.

Selection Criteria:

  • Problem Domain: Different tasks require different model architectures. Heuristic methods suit specific, rule-based tasks, while ML and DL excel in learning from data.
  • Data Volume and Complexity: ML and DL approaches often require substantial data volumes for effective learning, with DL being more data-hungry for complex tasks.
  • Resource Availability: Cloud APIs are convenient for quick prototyping or when resources for training and maintaining models are limited.

5. Evaluation

Evaluation in the NLP pipeline is pivotal, encompassing intrinsic and extrinsic assessments to comprehensively gauge model performance from both technical and practical standpoints.

(i) Intrinsic Evaluation

Intrinsic evaluation focuses on assessing the technical aspects and capabilities of the model in isolation, without considering its real-world application.

Examples of Intrinsic Metrics:

  • Accuracy: Measures the ratio of correctly predicted instances to the total instances in the dataset.
  • Precision, Recall, F1-score: Assess the model’s performance in binary or multi-class classification tasks.
  • Perplexity: Evaluates the language model’s predictive capability in language generation tasks.
  • BLEU Score: Measures the quality of machine-translated text against a reference translation.

(ii) Extrinsic Evaluation

Extrinsic evaluation measures the model’s performance in real-world applications or business contexts, considering its impact and utility in practical scenarios.

Examples of Extrinsic Evaluation Metrics:

  • Business Metrics: Metrics aligned with specific business goals or outcomes, such as customer satisfaction scores, revenue impact, or user engagement rates.
  • Task-Specific Metrics: Metrics directly relevant to the NLP task at hand, like sentiment analysis accuracy for customer feedback or document classification precision for information retrieval systems.
  • User-Centric Evaluation: Soliciting user feedback, surveys, or usability testing to assess user satisfaction and experience with the NLP application.

Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation:

  • Technical Assessment (Intrinsic): Intrinsic metrics provide insights into the model’s performance on specific tasks or benchmarks, helping fine-tune model parameters and architectures.
  • Real-world Applicability (Extrinsic): Extrinsic evaluation ensures that the model’s performance aligns with practical requirements, determining its effectiveness and impact in real-world settings.

6. Deployment

The deployment phase in the NLP pipeline marks the transition of the developed model from the development environment to a production environment, followed by continuous monitoring and adaptation to ensure sustained performance and relevance.

(i) Deployment

  • Rolling out the Model: Moving the trained NLP model from the development environment to a production environment where it can be utilized in real-world applications.
  • Infrastructure Setup: Configuring the necessary infrastructure, integrating the model into the existing systems, and ensuring scalability and reliability.
  • Testing and Validation: Thoroughly testing the deployed model to ensure it functions as expected and delivers accurate results in the production environment.

(ii) Monitoring

  • Continuous Performance Oversight: Constantly monitoring the model’s performance, including its accuracy, efficiency, and response time in real-time or at regular intervals.
  • Alert Systems: Implementing alert systems or triggers to notify about deviations or anomalies in the model’s behaviour, ensuring timely interventions.

(iii) Update

  • Adaptation to Dynamic Data: Adapting the model to changing data patterns or evolving requirements by periodically updating and retraining the model.
  • Improvement Iterations: Incorporating feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and fine-tuning the model to enhance its performance or address changing user needs.
  • Version Control: Maintaining version control to track model iterations and changes, ensuring transparency and reproducibility.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Data Drift: Evolving data patterns might lead to data drift, impacting model performance. Regular updates help mitigate this challenge.
  • Ethical and Legal Compliance: Models must comply with ethical standards and legal regulations, especially when handling sensitive data or influencing critical decisions.
  • Resource Management: Effective deployment requires resource management to ensure optimal utilization of computational resources and cost efficiency.
NLP Pipeline steps

Final Thoughts:

The NLP Pipeline, while structured, isn’t linear and offers flexibility at each stage. As technology evolves, so does the pipeline, adapting to incorporate novel techniques and methodologies. Understanding and effectively navigating this pipeline empowers NLP practitioners to create impactful, robust, and adaptive solutions in an ever-evolving landscape of language processing.

Just a reminder that I will write blogs on all the NLP pipeline steps in detail along with code, if you are interested then keep following me. Happy Learning!

Read my Other Blogs:

NLP Landscape from 1960’s to 2023

Fine-tuning LLMs Unleashing Hidden Potentials

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Evolution and Impact of AI



Asjad Ali

I am a Computer Science student at University of the Punjab. I am a Data analyst and paving my path towards Data scientist.