Activation poem for ~ Listening ~

Miriam Smout
1 min readJan 16, 2022


Lord, Have Your Way,

Speak, I’m listening to what you will say…

I’m waiting to speak to you in the cool of the evening

At the dawn of a new day.

In the moments of stillness

Set aside for me each day.

I’m speaking every moment you lean in my way

I’m paying attention

I notice each move

That presses in, ears open to what I will say.

I say,

I’m here my child.

I see you.

Thank you for saying YES to me having my way.

My way in you,

Your family,

Your city,

Your nation.

This world I created so all can say…

I know I’m loved



This is where I want to stay.

With Him.

In His Presence

Open to His Love

Alert to His Word

So, His glory covers the land and the sea.

So, His glory is seen in the night and the day.



Miriam Smout

Miriam helps battle-weary women heal deep hurts, reclaim their personal power and unlock God-given destiny - using intuitive and Spirit Led Heart Healing