Lotta Hurried Opinions, Big FellaWow it is Sunday afternoon and I’m enjoying the cool vibes of Chance 3. You don’t know what I’m talking about? Zero problems big fella…Oct 16, 2016Oct 16, 2016
Curse Words Are Still Really CoolDude have you ever listened to Fucked Up? Fucked Up is such a great band. I love saying, “Fucked Up,” in regular with music nerds because…Oct 4, 2016Oct 4, 2016
Math Punk Is Having a Calculated MomentThe first time I saw the Philly-via-New York act Palm was in the dank, cavernous room (née hallway) of the now-defunct Brooklyn DIY space…Sep 30, 2016Sep 30, 2016
5 Videos We’ve Been Obsessed With LatelyIf you read the title and clicked the link, enjoy:Aug 2, 2016Aug 2, 2016
Brain Problem: Indie Rock’s Bid to Destigmatizing Mental HealthOn a recent episode of Fusion’s late night program The Chris Gethard Show, the show’s house band The LLC, featuring Hallie Bulleit on…Jul 30, 2016Jul 30, 2016
Engine Down — DemureEditors note: Wow, check it out, someone else wanted to write about something they love and we let them do that because writing about what…Jul 28, 2016Jul 28, 2016
Pinegrove Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Start Leaning InEvery punk kid’s nightmare is happening to me: I’m getting boring. I wake up every morning during the week and go to a job in a cubicle…Jul 27, 2016Jul 27, 2016
Waxahatchee — Early RecordingsEditor’s note: Our friend Bobby wanted to write something about Waxahatchee’s Early Recordings and I’m a sucker for #content so I obliged…Jul 26, 2016Jul 26, 2016
Better Off DeadEarlier this week I spent time actively trying to track down the singer of The Starting Line on various social media outlets. I sent a…Jul 20, 2016Jul 20, 2016
Some Sick Songs for SummerS’up witchu. Welcome to this really chill piece about cool songs that I like and have listened to more than ten times in a day in the past…Jul 9, 2016Jul 9, 2016