Announcing the AskChain AI ($ASKAI) Contract and Fair Launch

AskChain AI
2 min readMay 18, 2024

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for AskChain AI: the $ASKAI contract is now ready, bringing us one step closer to our mission of revolutionizing crypto security with AI-powered technology.

🚀 Fair Launch Details

The fair launch of $ASKAI is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with our community. Our commitment is to provide a transparent, equitable launch that fosters growth and stability for all stakeholders.

Fair Launch: Coming Soon
Network: Base

💰 Tokenomics

Our tokenomics are meticulously designed to ensure a balanced distribution that supports the long-term vision of AskChain AI. Here’s a breakdown of the $ASKAI token distribution:

Total Supply: 10 Billion $ASKAI
Development: 400M (4%)
Marketing: 400M (4%)
Airdrop: 100M (1%)
Liquidity: 9 Billion (90%)

💸 Taxes

We believe in keeping transaction costs minimal for our community. Hence, our tax structure is straightforward:

Buy Tax: 0%
Sell Tax: 4% (entirely allocated to marketing)

This structure ensures that our marketing efforts are well-funded, allowing us to reach and engage a broader audience while keeping transaction costs low for our users.

🌐 DApp is Live and Functional

We are also excited to announce that our DApp is now live and fully functional. This powerful tool allows you to leverage AI technology for unparalleled insights, comprehensive risk assessments, and advanced scam detection for smart contracts across multiple blockchains. Protecting your investments has never been easier or more reliable.

How to Use the AskChain AI DApp:

1. Visit the Scan Page: Head over to [AskChain AI’s Scan Page](
2. Select the Network: Choose the appropriate blockchain network for the smart contract you want to analyze.
3. Enter the Smart Contract Address: Paste the address of the smart contract you wish to analyze and hit enter.
4. Analyze the Results: Our AI-powered system will provide detailed insights, including risk scores, potential scams, and comprehensive contract analysis.

Join the AskChain AI Community

Stay updated with our latest developments, participate in discussions, and engage with fellow crypto enthusiasts by joining our Telegram group and subscribing to our newsletter.

- [AskChain AI Website](
- [Telegram Group](

We are on a mission to secure the future of blockchain technology with AI-powered insights and comprehensive risk assessments. Together, we can build a safer and more transparent crypto ecosystem. Thank you for being part of the AskChain AI journey. Let’s secure the future of crypto, one smart contract at a time.

Stay tuned for more updates on our fair launch and other exciting developments! #CryptoSecurity #AskChainAI #Blockchain #AI #FairLaunch



AskChain AI

Leading AI-powered crypto security platform. Protect your investments with insights and risk assessments for smart contracts across multiple blockchains.