1 000 000 millennials in Latin America came back to ASKfm during quarantine

3 min readJun 5, 2020


Quarantine is almost like a high school vacation. Only without homework and with a fast internet. We sure that’s why everyone started massively installing the social network ASKfm, where we spent hours in high school.

Last week, Twitter in Mexico was overflowed with tweets by people who remembered their childhood social network and began massively installing ASKfm. In just a day, the application increased on 1 place in the App Store and 2 place in Google Play.

1 million users from Latin America alone have returned to the app to save themselves from frightening news about COVID-19 and to be filled with nostalgia for a classy and carefree 2014!

There were more than 210 thousands requests to restore old profiles so support had to work 24 hours per day!

Now ASKfm differs from the 2014 sample application. New features that we noticed when we installed this social network again:

- The feed of the popular one is filled with posts about quarantine and virus, and now users not only confess to each other anonymously in love, but also share personal thoughts and feelings in a difficult period of isolation.

- Now you can ask a question to many people around you at once. The question will fly into 350 people at once!

- In addition to the likes, the fire coins appeared in the application, and the blue verification check mark now competes with the crown icon.

- Now you can make answers to questions secret. Open them can someone who will be ready to pay coins for this information.

Users even launched a flash mob on Instagram and Twitter calling everyone to return to ASKfm, and the social network itself even launched a #back2askfm hashtag contest on their Twitter.

ASKfm the only global social network built on a Q&A format. How you engage with friends and express yourself on ASKfm is done through the lens of what your social connections are curious to learn about you. Through the natural exchange of questions and answers, ASKfm aims to be a safe, fun and engaging place for learning more about yourself and exploring the social world around you.




A simple app to ask questions, find answers and start conversations — with your friends or anyone in the world. Go ahead, be curious. Just ask. www.ask.fm