ASKfm about New Functions, Major Camera Upgrades and Global Plans

2 min readSep 1, 2017


15 in August , 2017, — ASKfm, the world’s largest Q&A social network, released one of the biggest app updates within the past year. From now on, users of the international service can ask questions not only of individuals but also to groups of people nearby. This takes communication on ASKfm to a whole new level.

The new function is called Shoutout. It lets users ask questions to dozens of other users nearby.

“Imagine that you can find like - minded people in just two clicks”, — tellsay ASKfm developers. “ — All you need to do is login into ASKfm and ask a question using the Shoutout feature, which sends the question to dozens of people nearby automatically.”

Users can send Shoutouts anonymously and openly. Once the question is sent, the sender starts receiving answers from people. If they wish, users can continue communicating with people whose answers they find interesting, by sending a personal question. It is worth noting that Shoutouts will be scanned by the moderation team with special care to avoid spamming and inappropriate content.

ASKfm tells that within next updates it will be possible to ask groups of people with certain interests listed in profile. Developers believe that it should help users to find like — minded people and even future friends even more easily.

2017 is going to become one of the most productive years for ASKfm. In February , 2017, the company released a new function called Photo polls. At present, about one million users daily vote for options within thousands of created Photo polls. In August, developers plan to release a major camera upgrade, that will let users create gifs, edit photos (and videos in the next iteration) using different effects from texts to various filters.

“The camera upgrade is simply an essential step for all services that work with youth”, — tell atsays ASKfm. “— We understand the importance of audio-visual content nowadays, and that’s why the next few updates will be dedicated to a full camera upgrade”.

“By the end of the year, we plan to implement one more very important and global function which is repeatedly requested by our users. However, we will tell you about that a bit later”, — teased ASKfm.




A simple app to ask questions, find answers and start conversations — with your friends or anyone in the world. Go ahead, be curious. Just ask.