Creating Your Own Automation Library with nlp2fn

Saurabh Pandey
Dev Genius
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2023


Automation is a crucial aspect of software development, empowering developers to streamline repetitive tasks and increase efficiency. Python, with its extensive libraries and flexibility, provides an ideal environment for building automation tools. In this article, we will explore nlp2fn, a powerful Python library, and learn how to leverage it to create your own custom automation library.

Understanding nlp2fn: A Unified Automation Solution

nlp2fn is a versatile Python library designed to simplify automation by providing a unified solution for loading and executing Python functions from any specified location. With nlp2fn, you can bring all your automation tasks together, making them easily accessible and manageable.

The key features of nlp2fn include:

  • Function Loading: nlp2fn allows you to load and read Python functions from any specified directory. By organizing your automation functions within this directory, you can centralize and access them seamlessly.
  • Defining Automation Functions: To leverage nlp2fn effectively, you need to create a folder specifically for your automation tasks. Within this folder, write your automation functions using a specific approach.
# Write your execution statement, specifying the necessary parameters using {param_name}.
STATEMENT = "download {link} to {output_dir}"

# Define the main function for your event, which will be triggered by the execution statement.
def execute(args):
link = args[0]
output_dir = args[1]

# Complete the function by adding your automation logic.
return True

By following this approach, you ensure that your automation functions align with the requirements of nlp2fn and can be seamlessly executed.

  • Configuring nlp2fn: To integrate your automation functions with nlp2fn, you need to set the source directory using the nlp2fn set-source local path/to/your/source/dircommand, specifying the path to your custom automation folder. This step allows nlp2fn to locate and load your functions accurately.

Launching Your Custom Automation Library

Once you have set up your custom automation library with nlp2fn, you can launch it and execute automation tasks with ease. Follow these steps:

  1. Run nlp2fn: Start nlp2fn by running the command nlp2fn run. This command launches the nlp2fn service, making your automation library accessible.
  2. Accessing Automation Events: With nlp2fn running, you can now access your automation events. Ensure that your query matches the execution statement defined in your automation functions.
  3. For example, if your execution statement is STATEMENT = "download {link} to {output_dir}", you can execute the automation event by providing a query that matches this pattern.


Building your custom automation library with nlp2fn empowers you to centralize and streamline your automation tasks effectively. By leveraging nlp2fn’s capabilities to load and execute Python functions from a specified location, you can achieve enhanced efficiency and productivity in your software development workflows. Start creating your custom automation library with nlp2fn today and revolutionize your automation processes.


