Introducing Luna

Ask Luna
3 min readApr 7, 2020


Luna is my cat.

Luna in her cage at the vet’s. 2019.

This is what she looked like when I first met her. She was a little under 8 weeks old, had fungus on all four of her legs, and was sitting in a cage on the floor of an overcrowded veterinarian clinic in Bangkok. As soon as I saw her expressive face and her fungal infection, I knew we belonged together. You see, dear reader, my emotions show on my face, too, and I, like Luna, once had a bit of a fungal foot problem. She came home with me as soon as the paperwork allowed and was dubbed Luna, demon-child gremlin princess, smartest kitty in all the realms or at least just our neighbourhood in Bangkok.

Her first day home, her first blanket wrap. 2019.

It wasn’t long before the quiet kitty in the floor cage grew into a vocal diva with real opinions. It started with her thoughts on the best kind of wet food and the perfect temperature for her water. I listened to her, as any good mother would, and made sure she felt heard. From the beginning, she was a curious cat and insisted on smelling each letter before I opened it, every ingredient before I cooked it, and every shoe that came through the door.

When my sister moved out and I had to live alone again, I naturally started confiding in Luna and bouncing ideas off of her when I needed a good brainstorming session. She would chatter back at me in various tonal and emphatic meows, sometimes adding a slow-blink here and there. I have no idea what my cat tries to say to me but I assume it’s something supportive, insightful, and slightly judgemental.

I embraced a new (dominant) part of my identity of ‘Cat Lady’ and loved it.

Writing e-mails. 2019.

And so, I have decided to start this advice column because I love giving advice, I love writing, and I love my cat.

As per any typical “Dear X” or “Ask XX”, readers can submit questions, qualms, and curiosities about life, culture, politics, skincare to:

or (3k word limit, very anonymous)

and I will publish them anonymously along with some advice right here on

I can’t promise that every recommendation I make will be perfectly suited to your situation nor can I say that I am in any way a qualified expert in psychology, emotional and mental health, or anything related. (I work in international development/human rights so if you have any questions about that, I’d be happy to answer them with my actual qualified knowledge!) But what I can promise is that every piece of advice will come from my heart and every post will come with a cat picture.

I, the advice-giver, am just your average empathetic human. But I hope you will submit something and keep reading, whether it’s for my good (uncertified) advice or for pictures of a very cute and smart cat.

Luna watching the world from her closet. 2020.

