How we work, live and learn is changing….

Nimesh Patel
4 min readDec 31, 2018


Over the next decade, we are going to see disruption across every industry at a level we can’t even imagine.

We are going to witness the most significant period of innovation since steam-powered industries in the 1700s, electricity in the 1800s, followed by computing in 1990s, and less than 20 years later we have numerous exponential technologies converging at us all at once. Each time we have seen a trend of faster revolutions. As I’ve said previously, even I didn’t imagine I would live to see another profound change to society, as swiftly as the invention of the internet delivered to us.

Whilst mainstream media, in 2018, covered the highs and lows of Bitcoin — behind the scenes a new groundbreaking technology was maturing — blockchain. It is permanently going to become part of everyday life just as the internet has done. I won’t get all technical on you, but imagine a layer of trust sitting on top on the Internet that cannot be compromised. Now imagine taking full control of every part of your digital thread — from your identity, money, plus experience your favourite brands faster, cheaper and better.

At present, we are living in a time of distrust, with governments and companies, at levels that are unprecedented. Governments are struggling to enforce policies, to manage companies like Google and Facebook who totally own our digital thread and didn’t have the foresight to predict the negative impact they would have on our daily lives. A new layer of trust, that gives users an increased level of control, is a necessity — not a luxury.

As a customer — sit back and get ready for awesomeness to be added to your daily life — when you transact with companies for your daily needs in every industry, leveraging blockchain technology integrated with other exponential technology. If you are in business — then start asking questions today, how do you intend to continue to keep your customers and profits with the emergence of exponential technologies going mainstream. Beyond blockchain, you’re about to see AR, VR, 3D printing, AI, quantum computing, robotics, sensors, digital currencies, and asset, converge and go mainstream, together simultaneously. We are moving from a Web2 world into a Web3 innovation.

Remember how the internet destroyed some very famous brands — like Kodak, Blockbuster and millions more, of all sizes, who literally got dismantled and went out of business. New business models like Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Google, and Netflix emerged. That is nothing — compared to what we will witness over the next decade. Unfortunately, history will repeat itself and companies of all sizes in every industry, all over the world will miss the moment to change. New business models will emerge, they will treat your customers better, provide them with faster service and better experience in an environment of total TRUST. Over 50% of companies making a profit in 2018 will not be in business in 2028 because they will have failed to act quickly enough to the emergence of exponential technology.


If you are in the investment game, then this is the moment you can make substantial returns by backing companies already looking to adopt blockchain and exponential technology to solve the aforementioned challenges.

Every. Single. One. of your portfolio companies will be affected. You need to ask a simple question to the management of those companies you hold investments in —

What is the company’s transition plan to adopt exponential technologies to retain your current market position and growth?

Transitioning an existing brand with a market position, customers, revenue and profit is going to yield greater returns consistently than investing in new start-ups. A transition plan can run, in parallel of an existing business model, and merge together, over time to extract and then accelerate growth. The sweet spot for this is not large companies who have the cash -but cannot make the necessary decisions (stuck in thinking it’s only about the next quarter’s results). The key here is to look at the companies in your portfolio that have been operating for five years+, with a market position, revenue and a need to source capital to invest in a transition plan.

New Wave Of Innovation

Replacing your body parts with additive manufacturing to flying taxis and imagine dancing with your pixels to experience education with AR in the real world and the same with VR in a virtual world. These realities are around the corner and make no mistake that this time we will see innovation and adoption at a greater speed than we did with the internet. We have over 4B humans online and the innovation cost being 100 times cheaper now that it was in 1995.

What I hope for is we are intentional about designing, building and scaling exponential technology to leave the user in a better place in the real world.

One thing is clear, that we have to transition together into this new world of exponential technology. Can we avoid anarchy? (previous article). As governments, educators and employers, all have to play a role in creating a safe environment for these technologies to have a positive impact on society.

Happy New Year and have an exponential 2019!

All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.



Nimesh Patel

A father, husband and entrepreneur on a mission to unlock the design potential in every human being and elevate life.