10 Reasons Why INFJs Are So Intimidating

7 min readOct 30, 2022


Why INFJs Are So Intimidating? In this video, we’re going to take a look at the INFJ personality type and find out why they can be so intimidating.

Welcome to our channel! Are you an INFJ? Be sure to leave a comment below. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry, I’m going to explain it all in this video. But before we do that, let’s take a look at why INFJs can be so intimidating.

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1. INFJs are rare- only 1% of the population is made up of them

INFJs are a rare and intriguing type, making up only 1% of the population. They are introspective and compassionate, with a strong sense of intuition. INFJs are often drawn to helping others, and they frequently find themselves in roles such as counselors or therapists. They are insightful and caring, and they have a deep understanding of the human condition. Because of their rarity, INFJs often feel misunderstood. They may have trouble finding others who share their values and worldview. However, they also have the unique ability to connect with people on a deep level. If you are fortunate enough to know an INFJ, cherish them. They are truly one in a million.

2. INFJs are intuitive and strategic, making them quick thinkers

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest, making up only two percent of the population. People with this personality type are highly intuitive and have a strong ability to read people. As a result, they are quick thinkers and often have a strategic approach to problem-solving. They also tend to be individuals who are deeply in touch with their emotions and are driven by their values. However, they can also be perfectionists who have difficulty delegating tasks. Despite these challenges, people with the INFJ personality type are often successful in fields that require creativity and innovation. Their unique skills and perspective often allow them to see things in new ways and come up with creative solutions.

3. They have a rich inner world that is difficult to understand

They say that still waters run deep, and this is certainly true of introverts. Though they may not always show it, introverts have rich inner worlds that are full of thoughts, feelings, and observations. This can make them seem difficult to understand, as their outer persona often doesn’t match up with what’s going on inside their heads. However, those who take the time to get to know introverts will be rewarded with loyal and insightful friends. So if you’re ever feeling curious about what goes on inside an introvert’s mind, just ask — you might be surprised at what you learn.

4. INFJs are perfectionists who want everything to be just right

People who identify as INFJs are often described as “perfectionists.” While this label is not always accurate, it does capture one important aspect of the INFJ personality type: a desire for things to be just right. For INFJs, this manifests in a number of ways. They may compulsively check and recheck their work to ensure that it meets their high standards. They may also become frustrated when other people do not live up to their expectations. However, this quest for perfectionism can also be a source of strength. INFJs are often successful in fields that require attention to detail, and their high standards can motivate those around them to reach new levels of excellence. In the end, whether it is seen as a positive or negative trait, perfectionism is an integral part of the INFJ personality type.

5. They have strong convictions and can be very persuasive

People who are passionate about their beliefs can be very convincing. When they speak, they do so with conviction, and their words can be quite persuasive. While this can be a positive trait, it can also lead to conflict. People who are dogmatic in their beliefs may find it difficult to understand or accept the perspectives of others. This can make it difficult to find common ground or to reach a consensus on important issues. Passionate people can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they can be inspiring and motivating. On the other hand, they can also be inflexible and obstinate. It is important to find a balance between being open-minded and being convictions. Dogma can be a helpful guide, but it should never become a rigid set of rules that cannot be questioned or challenged.

6. They’re highly sensitive and can easily feel overwhelmed by their environment

They’re highly sensitive and can easily feel overwhelmed by their environment. They may have a hard time filtering out all the stimuli they’re bombarded with, leading to feeling overloaded and exhausted. To make matters worse, they often internalize what others think and feel, so if there’s negativity around them, they can end up feeling even more drained. What they need most is to find a balance in their lives and to create a calm and supportive environment for themselves. This may include simplifying their lives, spending time in nature, practicing meditation or mindfulness, and surrounding themselves with positive people. When they’re able to find that inner peace, they can be more present and available for the world around them.

7. INFJs often keep their feelings bottled up inside, making them hard to read

INFJs are often seen as mysterious and hard to read. They may come across as calm and collected, but on the inside they are often churning with intense emotions. This can make it difficult for others to understand what they are thinking or feeling. INFJs often bottle up their feelings, fearing that they will be judged or misunderstood if they express them. As a result, they may seem standoffish or aloof. However, those who take the time to get to know an INFJ will often find them to be warm, compassionate, and extremely loyal friends. So if you’re wondering what an INFJ is thinking, just remember that they may not always be comfortable sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings.

8. They’re fiercely loyal to the people they care about

There’s nothing quite like the loyalty of a dog. They’re always happy to see you, no matter how long you’ve been gone, and they’re always ready to lend a furry shoulder to cry on. They’ll love you unconditionally, even when you’re at your worst, and they’re always eager to please. Dogs have been bred for centuries to be loyal companions, and that loyalty is one of their most defining characteristic. From service dogs who provide life-saving assistance to therapy dogs who offer comfort and support, dogs have a remarkable ability to form strong bonds with people. So if you’re looking for a friend who will always be by your side, look no further than your local canine companion.

Similarly, INFJs are fiercely loyal to the people they care about. They may be reserved and hard to read at first, but once they have formed a strong emotional bond with someone, they will do whatever it takes to protect and support them. This loyalty can sometimes border on possessiveness or overprotectiveness, but for an INFJ, the welfare of their loved ones is always a top priority. So if you’re lucky enough to have an INFJ in your corner, know that they will always have your back no matter what life throws at you.

9. They crave deep connections and may struggle with small talk

INFJs are introspective and highly intuitive individuals who crave deep connections with others. Small talk can feel superficial and draining for them, and they may have a hard time relating to those who thrive on meaningless chatter. They prefer meaningful conversations that allow them to connect with someone on a deeper level. INFJs often feel most alive and fulfilled when they are forming strong emotional bonds with others, so finding like-minded individuals who share their desire for intimacy is crucial for their well-being. So although INFJs may struggle with surface-level interactions, if you want to get to know them better, try engaging in deep conversation about topics that truly matter to them. Chances are, they’ll appreciate your effort and open up more readily than if you just stick to small talk.

10. They can be highly creative

INFJs often have vivid imaginations and a strong sense of intuition, leading them to excel in creative pursuits. They may be talented writers, artists, or musicians who can express themselves through their chosen medium. INFJs often have a rich inner world filled with complex emotions and ideas, which they may explore and convey through their art. Although they may struggle with finding the right outlet for their creativity, once INFJ has tapped into their artistic abilities, they can create truly moving and inspiring pieces that resonate deeply with others. So if you know an INFJ who’s struggling to find their passion, encourage them to tap into their natural creativity and see where it takes them. Who knows? You could be witnessing the birth of a brilliant new artist.

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INFJs definitely aren’t party animals and prefer one-on-one conversation over small talk any day. This can be intimidating for some people who feel like they need to get the INFJ “ warmed up.” But once an INFJ is comfortable with you, they make for very loyal and supportive friends. So if you’re feeling intimidated by an INFJ, just remember that they probably view you as a potential deep connection and not just somebody to pass the time with. And who knows? With a little effort, you might just find that the friendship of an INFJ is worth its weight in gold. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss our next video.

