YouTube Kids: How can we navigate?

The Digital Nanny
2 min readAug 13, 2023


So with the info from the last post, how can we protect our kiddos?

Remember that no system is foolproof, so weight out your options and stay vigilant.

  1. Set up parental controls: While videos still slip through the cracks, you are still able to restrict content of a creator or a certain video.
YouTubes Kids: Parental Control

2. Used approved content only: YouTube kids allows you to select content only from trusted channels and creators such as Miss. Rachel (some people feel as Miss. Racheal is appropriate; others have found it to be concerning due to her child-like behavior on the show and her acknowledging her husband(suggestive of child and adult undertones) ) and MiaAcademy.

3. Monitor Usage: Keeping a watchful eye on your kiddos is often challenging on a day to day basis. So check in on the things they watch. Talk to them about their favorite channels and encourage communication so they feel safe to come to you if they see something that bothers you.

4. Limit Screen Time teach online safety: Set limits on how much they can spend on apps this can help reduce videos they may be subjected to. Teach them on the importance of not sharing personal information, clicking on pop-up links, and report content that may feel uncomfortable.

5. Enable Restricted Mode: On regular YouTube, there is a Restricted Mode that filters out mature content. Make sure that this is enabled especially if your child it using the main platform.

6. Use Device-Level Controls: Many devices have parental controls features that allow you to restrict access to certain apps, set time limits, and filter content.

7. Stay informed: Keep yourself updated with the latest changes and features on the app. Watch YouTube together to catch the trends they may be interested it and become aware of what is playing next.

Like I said at the beginning, no one system is foolproof. My own opinion, I think no child should be on YouTube or Youtube Kids until the age of 10 a least. But if you allow YouTube make sure your watchful.

Help them stay not just home safe but digitally safe as well.



The Digital Nanny

I am a southern nanny with a degree in Digital Media. The main purpose of this page is to help parents and family navigate this crazy digital world.