How to Successfully Cold-Call Without Being a Pain in the Ass.

I’ve made over 72,000 cold calls in less than 12 months to finally cold call without interrupting.

Mor Assouline
5 min readJan 3, 2019

Cold calling is literally worse than waiting in line for the DMV. It absolutely sucks. The truth is, it doesn’t account for much of a company’s revenue, but it is a necessary evil to start building momentum and generate leads.

In a study done by the Kenan Flagler Business School in North Carolina, 800 sales people said that cold calling doesn’t work over 90% of the time. It’s an obvious choice why so many salespeople shy away from the task of calling a random stranger, interrupting him or her in the middle of their day, to pitch them a product or service they never asked to see, especially from someone they never met.

The good news about cold-calling:

It still counts. In a study done by the Rain Group, 69% of buyers accepted a cold call from new salespeople in the past 12 months. Cold calling may not be as smooth…



Mor Assouline

If you got hit by a bus tomorrow how will your company survive? I. Help. SaaS. Businesses. Scale.