Why Businesses Targeting Women Thrive When They Are Run by Women

3 min readNov 10, 2022

If you are a woman wondering how you can find products that will meet the exact requirements that you have, you need to consider buying from another woman. It is a tried and tested phenomenon that women understand the needs of other women like no other, which is why it makes sense to place your trust in products that are sold by Successful Women Entrepreneurs. You could be looking for something that is specific to women’s needs or something that is not gender specific, but you can be sure about finding the right solution when you know where to look and who to ask.

In order to be able to make sure that you are able to satisfy your search for products of yourself as a woman, you need to first make sure you understand exactly why businesses run by women can be the solution you need. There are a lot of different reasons why businesses that target women are best run by other women. Here are some of the most important reasons that lead to understanding why it is a fact:

The Challenges:

There are certain gender specific challenges and problems that only women can understand and relate with, which is why they are more likely to provide other women with solutions that actually work. The challenges do not have to be imagined or visualized when they are being resolved by other women, which is why products that are meant for women are best produced and sold by other women that can empathize with the needs of their target group in way that men cannot.

The Emotions:

A lot of women will agree that the emotions that women feel and experience are seldom experienced by men, which means that products targeting the emotional needs of women are best created by other women. This is a major reason why Successful Women Entrepreneurs, seek to work with other women for the benefit of the women clients that they are catering to.

The Physical and Ergonomic Needs:

Women’s bodies are created in a certain way that is different from how men’s bodies are created, which means that other women can understand perfectly what can be physically comfortable or comforting for women. This is one of the most essential reasons for a lot of women buyers to seek products such as clothing, lingerie and other items that go on the body from women entrepreneurs. When you want the right solutions for your needs, it is important that your body feels most comfortable with the use of the products that you buy which is why you need to buy products from women that will create solutions specific to your body-type.

The Comfort Zone:

It is also found that a lot of businesses run by women for other women are successful because they create a safe comfort zone for the buyers. Women have to experience no feeling of consciousness when they are buying from other women, which is something that may not always be true when women make purchases from businesses run by men.

These are some of the reasons why women run market places like AskYourGirls are successfully catering to women seeking the most viable solutions for their needs.




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