World’s Top 4 Expensive Paintings Worth More Than 100 Million

The world’s most expensive paintings you might not know — Surely.

M Aslam Waheed


Friends, you must have heard about many expensive paintings in your life, but what I’m going to tell you today will surprise you.

Today, I’ll tell you about the 4 Most Expensive Paintings in the world that have been worth more than 100 Million Dollars.

The 4 paintings’ details given here are; Mona Lisa, Salvatore Mundi, Interchange & The Merger.

1) The Mona Lisa

Did you know that 102 Million Dollars was the price in 1962 for the world’s most expensive and famous painting in the world the Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa Painting

Mona Lisa Painting Net Worth

One of Italy’s most famous Renaissance Era Artists Leonardo Da Vinci made the painting about 500 years ago which is priceless. Still, if you make a guess then it will cost around 870 Million Dollars.

2) Salvator Mundi

The second most expensive painting is also by Leonardo Da Vinci. His painting Salvator Mundi was bought by a Saudi prince for more than 447 Million Dollars.



M Aslam Waheed