What is Laptop, Its Types, and Why Laptops are better than computer?

Asma Akram
6 min readFeb 1, 2024

In this article, you know about

· What is laptop

· How many types of laptop?

· Laptop are better than computer ?

What is laptop :

A laptop is like a portable computer that you can take with you wherever you go. It’s like having a computer in a compact package. You can use it for work, school or just browsing the internet.

A laptop is like a mini computer that you can carry around. It has a screen, keyboard, and touch pad.

You can use it for schoolwork, watching movies, dramas or even make an assignment in easy way, playing games like pub g or others, and even chatting with friends.

Ø Types of laptop:

15 types of laptop are given below.

1.Gaming laptop.


3.2-in -1 laptops.


5.Mac Books.

6.budget laptop.

7. Business laptop.

8.touchscreen laptop.

9.convertible laptop.

10.rugged laptop.

11.workstation laptop.

12.student laptop.

13.Net book.


15.Dell XPS 13–9350.

  1. Gaming laptop:

A gaming laptop is a type of laptop specifically designed for playing video games. It usually has powerful hardware component like a high performance processor, dedicated graphics card, and ample RAM to hurdles demanding games.

2. Ultra book:

Ultra-book laptop is a type of lightweight and slim laptop that prioritized portability and performance. They typically have a sleek design, long battery life, and fast processing power.

Ultra books are great for people who need a powerful laptop that they can easily carry around.

3. 2-in 1 laptop:

A 2 -in -1 laptop is a versatile device that can be used as both a laptop and a tablet. It has a touchscreen display and a hinge that allows the screen to be folded or detached, transforming it into a tablet.

4. Chromebooks:

A Chromebook laptop is a type of laptop that runs on the chrome OS operating system. It is designed to be highly optimised for web based tasks and relies heavily on cloud storage and web applications.

Chrome book are known for their fast boot times, long battery life, and affordability.

5. Mac-book:

A Mac-book is a line of computer designed and manufactured by Apple. It runs on the mac-OS operating system and is known for its sleek design, powerful performance and user –friendly interface

6. Budget laptop:

Budget laptop is a laptop that is affordable and offers decent performance for everyday tasks. These laptops are designed to provide basic functionality without breaking bank.

They are great option for student, casual users or anyone on a tight budget.

7. business Laptop:

A business laptop is a laptop that is specifically designed to meet the need of professionals and business . These laptops often have feature such as enhanced security measures, durable construction , powerful perfomance to handle demanding tasks .

They may also have business focused software and connectivity option .

8. Touchscreen laptop:

A touchscreen laptop is a laptop that has a display screen that you can interact with by touching it directly with your finger or a stylus .It allows you to navigate through the operating system ,open apps ,and perform various action by simple tapping ,swiping or pinching on the screen.

9. Convertible laptop :

A convertible laptop ,also known as a 2-in-1 laptop ,is a versatile device that can be used as both a traditional laptop and a tablet .

IT is typically has a touch screen display that can be rotated or foldedback, allowing you to switch between laptop mode and tablet mode. It combines the productivity of a laptop with the portability and convenience of a tablet .

10.Rugged laptop :

A rugged laptop is a type of laptop that is designed to withstand harsh environment and condition .

It is built with durability in Ming ,often featuring reinforced frames,shock –absorbent material , and sealed ports to protect against dust ,water, and extreme temperature
. Rugged laptop are commonly used in industries such as military ,construction .They are ideal for users who need a reliable and durable laptop that can handle tough condition .

11.Work station laptop :

A workstation laptop is a high perfomance laptop designed for professional who requires powerful computing capabilities for demanding tasks like video editing ,3D modelling and scientific stimulation . These laptops often have top of lines processors ,ample RAM ,dedicated graphics cards and large storage options to handle resource intensive applications .

12.Student laptop :

A student laptop is a laptop specifically designed for student tailored to meet their needs for studying ,research and general use .These laptops are typically lightweight ,portable and having long battery life to support students on the go lifestyle .

Its all about finding a laptop that suits your specific needs as a student

13.Net book :

A Net book laptop is a small and lightweight laptop that is designed for basic tasks like web browsing and word processing .They usually have smaller screens and less powerful hardware compared to other laptops.

14. XPS:

The XPS laptop is a line of high performance laptop made by Dell . They are known for their sleek design ,powerful performance and vibrant display .

They have top notch specs ,stunning displays and a premium build quality .

15. Dell XPS -13 9350:

The dell XPS laptop is a powerful and stylish line of laptop known for their high performance and stunning display . They are great for tasks like gaming , video editing and graphics design .

The Dell XPS laptop is like a tech powerhouse .

Laptop are better than

computer ?

It really depends on your needs and preference .Laptops often portability and convenience ,allowing you to take your work or entertainment on the go .

Other hand desktop computer often have more power and customisation options .

They are great for student ,traveller and anyone who needs to work on the move . However desktop computer generally offer more power and can be more easily upgraded.

Laptop are super important because they offer flexibility and convenience . you can take them any where and have your work ,entertainment and communication right at your fingertips .

They come in various types to cater to different needs like gaming , productivity and portability .

Conclusion :

After you read this article you must know that laptop is better than computer because laptop is more convient and easy to move everywhere where u want to go for work The types of laptop shows that each laptop have its unique characteristics .



Asma Akram

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