Injustice Balances Its Scales

Even if it takes a long time

Asma Khalid
2 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Jack Skinner on Unsplash

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Injustice and cruelty everywhere in the world are a burden to all those who live peacefully. It is a test from God (Allah) for them to help people living in turmoil and suffering. It is not only a test for those suffering but also a test for the world on how they play their role in this situation.

Conflicts among nations have existed since the beginning of the world, whether for land, resources, religious differences, or other reasons. These conflicts arise from humanity’s desire for power and influence over the world.

Victory and defeat are in the hands of God (Allah). If He can give you power, He can take it back as well. He is the one who gives respect and defames. He holds all power and knows the true intentions of a person.

This world was meant to be a test for us, and it will come to an end one day. Nothing remains here except the name of God (Allah). The things that will accompany us in the Hereafter are justice, kindness, and virtues.

If we witness injustice somewhere, we should take a stand against it. Remaining silent or neutral implies support for the wrong side. Speaking out against injustice shows that you are morally alive.

This is the hypocrisy of humans. We don’t speak against injustice until it affects us personally. We have double standards for ourselves and others. Right steps should be taken before regrets set in.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

We should help people facing turmoil and thank God (Allah) that we are safe, realizing that it could happen to us as well. It is effortless for God (Allah) to solve issues and problems; He can destroy wrongdoers in the blink of an eye.

Do not underestimate His power. He is judging who is good among us and observing how humans behave when they have power over others. If they take advantage, they will have to pay for it in this world or the hereafter. It may be delayed, but it will not be forgotten.

May God (Allah) help and guide us to understand the right direction.

