Climate Change And Global Warming

Asma Nouman
4 min readOct 25, 2023


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Earth is the only planet with life on it, and we must ensure its preservation.

What is Climate Change? Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, such shifts can be natural due to the sun’s activity or due to Human activities. According to, since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas for energy production, transportation, and industrial processes. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions which act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.

Impacts of Climate Change or Global Warming.

Climate change is not only affecting our environment but also our well-being. Global temperatures are rising due to greenhouse gas emissions due to human activities. This Climate change is the biggest threat to our survival. Increased temperatures are affecting our ecosystem, causing harmful effects such as floods, sea-level rises, heatwaves, droughts, loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, and other such extreme weather events.

Its effect will continue to grow or worsen over time. The World Health Organization predicts that climate change will cause 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050.

Humans are experiencing Global Warming in Diverse Ways.

Global warming or Climate change affects our health, ability to grow food, safety, and work. Some of us are already experiencing climate impacts, such as people living in developing countries or small islands and coastal countries. Intense floods in agricultural land leave them uncultivable, sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion force whole communities to relocate, and droughts, putting people at risk of famine. These effects are causing ruin for the current and especially for the future generations.

Ways to fight Global Warming.

We are facing a huge challenge in terms of global warming and climate change but we already know a lot of solutions. It’s up to us to take measures now or end up facing bigger consequences later. We must take actions that help reduce our vulnerability to the current or expected impacts of climate change. Some of the solutions to combat Global Warming or Climate change are discussed in this blog.

  • Climate Change Adaptation.

Climate Change adaptation refers to actions that help reduce vulnerability to Climate Change. Adaptation measures include planting crop varieties that are more resistant to droughts, practicing regenerative agriculture, managing wildlife risks, improving water storage, abiding wastage, and building stronger defenses against extreme weather like heatwaves, floods, etc.

  • Climate Resilience

Climate resilience is the capacity of a community to anticipate and manage climate impacts, minimize and recover their damage. It can be done by training people to obtain new skills, building more robust disaster response and recovery capacities, enhancing climate information and early warning systems, etc.

  • Energy Transition

An energy transition is a significant change in the way a society or economy produces, consumes, and sources its energy. It involves moving away from fossil fuels-based energy systems (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) towards more sustainable energy sources which include renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power, as well as nuclear energy.

  • Spreading Awareness

Spreading awareness is an essential measure to avoid a rise in climate change. Common people should be educated about climate change and its consequences so as to play their roles accordingly. Similarly, the authorities should not only educate but also restrict the industrial sectors to prevent carbon emissions.

  • Lifestyle Change

Lifestyle changes such as low waste, reduce, recycle, and reuse policies to reduce consumer goods production, ensuring well-maintained vehicles for low carbon emission, reduce pollution, etc. are necessary to stop further increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

  • Protecting The Ecosystem

A healthy ecosystem is our planet’s life support and we must strive to avoid the disruption of the ecosystem. Protection of the ecosystem requires a coordinated effort from individuals, communities, governments, and businesses worldwide. We must promote an eco-friendly lifestyle, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve and restore forests, encourage sustainable agriculture, and invest in sustainable products.

  • Reforestation

Forests provide immense benefits to combat climate change by removing carbon dioxide and pollutants from the atmosphere, preventing soil erosion, preventing deforestation, filtering water, and housing half of the world’s land species of animals, plants, and insects.

  • Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based solutions are actions that protect, conserve, and restore our ecosystem. These actions include restoring wetlands to protect from floods, promoting biodiversity, preserving mangrove forests to support food sources, regenerative agricultural practices to increase the amount of carbon captured by the soil to restore its productivity, and urban parks and gardens to help cool down cities and limit heatwaves.

  • Promoting Urban Forests

Urban trees can help reduce the urban heat effects in large and small cities. In addition to improving lives, urban trees can significantly reduce the intensive resources required to cool cities during Summer. Urban forests can lower air temperature in city neighborhoods by around 10 degrees.


As global warming and climate destabilization continue, our local and national weather as well as our global climate, will become more and more unpredictable. In order to face this challenge the entire Human species should work together by designing policies, reducing our carbon footprint, cutting short-lived pollutants, preferring sustainable products, and planting more trees to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change. If we fail to protect our environment we will put human, animal, and plant lives at risk.

