A Memorable day With Amal Family

Asma Talib
2 min readOct 15, 2022


It’s about the last session we had at Amal. Everyone was happy and excited but at the same time, we were sad because this beautiful journey was about to end but I believe that it's a beginning of a new journey. Amal Fellowship helped us to explore the world in a better way, to avail of opportunities in an effective way and trained us that how to create an opportunity by going the extra mile.

Amal Fellowship

For the last session, we went to Forks & Knives. It was a pleasant experience for all of us. Our Mentors shared their feelings about the whole fellowship with us and also all the fellows shared their experiences.

We played different games, and it was a fun activity, some of the fellows expressed their emotions through poetry and a fellow Rida Fatima wrote a beautiful ghazal about Amal Fellowship that was impressive.

We also wrote gratitude notes for fellows to make a memory and save it in our diaries.

Gratitude note for Abdullah

It was overwhelming when our mentors shared their feelings, as it was the first batch of Sir Adnan and also the first physical batch for mam Iqra.

I want to share that when going there we experience “AIK OR AIK GIYARA” as that day we were 3 girls who have to go from university and we waited for the 3rd one for about 20 minutes, while going there I was excited but when I was coming back the feeling were blended. But I am happy that I was the part of Fellowship and that I got a chance to learn and grow under the mentorship of two amazing personalities.

