Unlocking hope: AI diagnostics for unserved areas

Asma Muhammad
15 min readOct 24, 2023



The desperate cry echoed through the stillness of dawn in the small village of Nimbuka. Maisha’s voice was raw with fear as she held her feverish young son, Jengo, close to her chest. The nearest hospital was over 50 miles away, a daunting journey by foot that might rob her of the precious time she had with her sick child.

As the sun began to rise, the gravity of their isolation weighed heavily on the villagers. Healthcare, a luxury for many, had eluded them for far too long.

As the morning sun continued to rise, their neighbor Luka approached Maisha’s hut with a tablet device in hand. “I’ve heard of a new technology,” he said, “where machines can help diagnose illnesses.” Maisha looked at him with cautious hope. Could this be the solution they desperately needed?

Luka activated the tablet, and an intuitive app greeted them. After inputting Jengo’s symptoms, relevant images and medical history, the AI-powered application quickly provided a potential diagnosis, as well as treatment suggestions and nearby pharmacies where essential medications were available. The device even demonstrated first-aid measures they could apply immediately.

By evening, Jengo’s fever began to subside. As the sun set, the villagers gathered, discussing how they could use this technology to benefit everyone in their community. It was the start of a healthcare revolution, powered by the promise of AI, bringing hope to places once forgotten by modern medicine.

I hope you enjoyed my short story because in this article we’ll explore how AI-powered diagnostics work and how it could become the beacon of hope for many unserved areas. Join us as we delve into the mechanics, benefits, and the potential global impact of this groundbreaking technology.


AI is revolutionizing access to healthcare. Imagine a world where healthcare is not just a privilege but a fundamental right; where geography, ethnicity, or economic status doesn’t determine the quality of medical care one receives. Yet, for many, especially individuals like Maisha in remote Nimbuka, this vision is but a distant dream.

Barriers to healthcare: Underserved populations face profound challenges. They grapple with a lack of health insurance, the challenge of reaching distant healthcare facilities, and limited medical resources.

AI is not just another tech buzzword. It’s a transformative force, ready to reshape the very fabric of global healthcare. From improving diagnosis to optimizing healthcare systems, AI brings groundbreaking solutions to the table. This article will delve into the intricacies of AI in medical care, its potential to uplift underserved populations, and pioneering examples of AI-driven healthcare innovations.

AI-Powered Medical Care: The Mechanics

Understanding the Basics: What is Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

Think of AI in healthcare as a highly sophisticated digital detective. This detective doesn’t comb crime scenes but dives into a sea of medical data to discover critical health insights. At its essence, AI is like a supercharged brain that can learn, reason, and decide. In the realm of healthcare, it operates by sifting through vast volumes of data, recognizing patterns, and offering insights, much like a detective piecing together clues.

While AI broadly touches various fields, in healthcare, it serves as a robust tool extracting insights from extensive medical datasets. By deploying mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques, it pinpoints patterns and relationships. And, as it gets exposed to fresh data (like new medical research), this digital detective refines its knowledge, mirroring how doctors evolve their understanding with ongoing findings.

This image explains the basics of how AI works

Here’s a closer, technical breakdown:

  1. Training and Validation: Before an AI system becomes operational, it goes through extensive training using labeled data. For instance, in healthcare, this could be a collection of medical images with annotations. Once trained, the model is validated against a separate set of data to ensure its predictions are accurate.
  2. Neural Network Architecture: CNNs consist of multiple layers, each designed for a specific function. These layers, in sequence, help the AI system identify patterns in data. The depth of a CNN (number of layers) can vary, but deeper networks generally capture more complex patterns.
  3. Activation Functions: After each layer, an activation function is applied to introduce non-linearity into the model. This allows the network to learn from the error and make adjustments, which is essential for learning complex patterns. Common activation functions include ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) and sigmoid.
  4. Loss Function: This is a mathematical function that calculates the difference between the predicted output and the actual label. The goal of training is to minimize this loss.
  5. Backpropagation and Optimization: Backpropagation is the method used to adjust the model parameters based on the output of the loss function. Optimizers like Adam or SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) are algorithms that change the attributes of the neural network, such as weights and learning rate, to minimize the loss.
  6. Regularization: To prevent overfitting (where the model performs exceptionally well on training data but poorly on new data), techniques like dropout are used. This involves randomly setting a fraction of input units to 0 at each update during training, which helps in ensuring that no part of the model is over-specialized.
  7. Batch Processing: Instead of training the model on individual data points, CNNs often use batches. This speeds up the training process and offers better convergence.
  8. Data Augmentation: To increase the diversity of training data and improve model robustness, original data is often modified using techniques like rotation, scaling, or cropping.
  9. Transfer Learning: Instead of training a model from scratch, pre-trained models on extensive datasets can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. This is particularly helpful in healthcare, where labeled data can be scarce.
  10. Ethics and Interpretability: As AI models become more complex, their decisions become harder to interpret. Techniques are being developed to make these models more transparent, ensuring that medical professionals can understand and trust AI predictions.

Deep Learning & Healthcare: The Role of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

As we delve deeper into the realm of AI, it’s essential to highlight deep learning, a sophisticated subset of machine learning that harnesses multi-layered neural networks. In the healthcare sector, the true standout is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Think of AI as the overarching detective, while CNNs act as specialized image analysts, adept at pinpointing intricate visual details in medical images. CNNs, also referred to as ConvNets, are a specialized form of artificial neural networks tailored for the processing and analysis of visual information.

Here is an analogy to help better understand CNNs: Imagine you’re trying to recognize and categorize different types of fruits based on their shapes, colors, and textures. But instead of looking at the whole fruit at once, you first notice the small details, like the texture of the skin, then the shape, and finally, the overall picture.

Photo of a person closely examining the texture of a fruit’s skin with a magnifying glass, then stepping back to observe its shape, and finally looking at a basket of diverse fruits to get the overall picture.

CNNs operate in a somewhat similar manner, especially when analyzing images. They break down an image into smaller parts, recognize patterns in each, and then combine these patterns to recognize more complex structures. This makes them particularly adept at tasks like identifying anomalies in medical images.

Decoding CNNs Layer by Layer: An In-depth Exploration

Input Layer: Think of the very first time you lay eyes on a fruit at a market. This first glance provides the raw information, the untouched image. In CNNs, the input layer functions similarly. It’s where the raw medical image, be it an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan, is introduced to the system. This image is often represented as a matrix of pixel values, capturing the intricate details and nuances within the image.

photo of a person’s hand holding a fresh fruit at a market, with an overlay showing a matrix of pixel values. The scene highlights the concept of the raw, untouched image as the starting point.

Convolutional Layer: Venturing deeper into the fruit analogy, once you have the fruit in hand, you begin to notice the details. The roughness of a pineapple’s surface, the dimples on an orange, or the shininess of an apple. The convolutional layer operates in a similar fashion. Using specialized filters (smaller matrices), the network scans the image segment by segment to detect features like edges, textures, and gradients. These filters move across the image, producing feature maps that depict where certain patterns, like the unique shading or a particular structure in an MRI, are most prominent.

photo of a hand holding a pineapple, with various highlighted areas showing the rough texture. Overlay graphics demonstrate small matrix filters scanning the surface, producing feature maps that emphasize the unique patterns.

Pooling Layer: Now, imagine you have a basket of various fruits, each with minor differences, but you want to classify them broadly. You don’t need every detail of every apple to know they’re all apples; you simplify by focusing on general characteristics. The pooling layer mirrors this concept. Its role is to reduce the spatial dimensions of the feature maps while preserving the most crucial information. This is achieved through operations like max pooling, where, in a given segment, only the highest value (most significant feature) is retained. This reduction helps in both simplifying the data and reducing computational requirements.

photo of a basket containing various fruits with overlay graphics showing a reduction in detail, emphasizing only the key characteristics of each fruit, portraying the role of the pooling layer in simplifying data.

Fully Connected Layer: Once you’ve examined the different features of fruits, you can categorize and recognize them as a whole. It’s about synthesizing all the detailed observations. In CNNs, the fully connected layer takes on this synthesizing role. Here, the reduced and refined features from the previous layers are flattened and connected to neurons that consider them as a collective, ensuring that the overall context of the image is understood.

photo of a fruit display with digital holographic overlays. The overlays show a flattened grid of features that are interconnected, leading to a label or icon for each fruit, exemplifying the concept of the fully connected layer in CNNs.

Output Layer: After your meticulous analysis, you’re now equipped to confidently identify the fruit you’re holding. Similarly, after passing through the various layers, the CNN reaches its conclusion at the output layer. This is where the network makes its final decision, categorizing the image, or highlighting anomalies. This decision can manifest in various ways. If it’s a diagnostic tool, it might indicate potential areas of concern on a scan, much like pointing out a peculiar-looking fruit among the regular ones. It could be a classification, categorizing the medical image into specific known categories — for instance, distinguishing between a benign tumor and a malignant one.

Deep learning models, especially CNNs, go beyond surface-level observations. Their strength lies in their capacity to discern minute, often hidden details, drawing parallels to seasoned detectives or experts in their field. Central to this prowess is the vast and diverse data they are trained on. The richer and more varied the data, the more nuanced and precise their insights become. By being trained by a multitude of medical images, conditions, and variations across different populations, these models refine their accuracy and adaptability. This deep, layered approach, combined with the ability to continuously learn and adapt from ever-evolving datasets, makes CNNs formidable tools in medical imaging. They often match or even surpass the discerning eye of human radiologists, heralding a new era in diagnostic precision.


Back to Nimbuka

Weeks after that fateful day, Luka left the remote village of Nimbuka, where healthcare was a luxury and returned couple years later. Many had to rely on traditional practices or embark on arduous journeys to distant towns. But things began to shift when Luka, now a young medical student from the city, returned with a revolutionary and well developed AI diagnostic tool, aiming to bring advanced medical diagnostics to his people. This tool utilized the power of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

One day, an elderly villager named Ayo approached Luka with a persistent cough and weight loss. Concerned about potential lung issues, Luka employed the portable X-ray machine he had on hand, and then ran the image through the AI diagnostic tool.

Here’s how the CNN-powered AI tool meticulously dissected Ayo’s X-ray:

  1. Input Layer: Upon taking Ayo’s chest X-ray, Luka fed it into the AI system. This is the starting point of the CNN’s journey. The input layer accepts the raw image with all its pixel values, acting as the gateway for data to enter the network.
  2. Convolutional Layer: Within this layer, the AI initiates the core task of feature detection. Using various filter matrices, the CNN scans Ayo’s X-ray in segments, producing multiple feature maps. Each filter is designed to recognize different patterns — like edges, textures, or gradients. By convoluting these filters over the X-ray, the system identifies crucial elements, including any unusual patterns in the lungs or abnormalities around the heart.
  3. Pooling Layer: Given the rich and detailed feature maps generated, there’s a need to compress this information to make it more manageable for the network. This is where the pooling layer steps in. Its primary function is to reduce the spatial size of the feature maps, making the network’s computations more efficient. While doing this, it ensures the critical features, like areas of potential concern in the lungs, are retained.
  4. Fully Connected Layer: All the condensed and crucial features from the preceding layers are now fed into the fully connected layer. This layer connects every neuron from the previous layer to the subsequent one, ensuring a holistic understanding of the image. It’s here that the AI starts making sense of the data it has processed, considering the entire context of the X-ray.
  5. Output Layer: This is the culmination of the CNN’s intricate analysis. Based on all the data it has processed and interpreted, the AI reaches a decision at the output layer. For Ayo’s X-ray, it pinpointed specific areas in his lungs, suggesting the potential presence of early-stage tuberculosis.

With the AI’s diagnosis in hand, Luka promptly started a treatment regimen for Ayo. In the weeks that followed, Ayo’s health began to improve significantly:)

The Challenge:

The dream of universally accessible healthcare is hindered by stark disparities. Society has drawn clear lines of division: the haves and the have-nots, developed versus developing nations, urban centers brimming with healthcare amenities versus remote regions, sometimes starved of basic medical facilities. These divisions are nowhere more evident than in healthcare, where access often depends on wealth, geographical location, or cultural context, keeping millions from the care that they deserve.

But…hear me out: With the recent and ongoing rise of AI in healthcare, new possibilities arise. The challenge now is harnessing this technological revolution to bridge the vast gulf between the health-affluent and the health-deprived.

The Solution:

Mobile Health Units Equipped with AI Diagnostic Tools: No longer do people need to travel large distances to reach hospitals. Mobile health units, powered by AI, can travel to the heart of remote communities. With tools that can diagnose from a simple scan or a blood sample, early detection and treatment become feasible even in the remotest corners of the world.

Training Local Community Health Workers to Utilize AI Tools: Empowering local communities is key. By training community health workers in the use of AI diagnostic tools, we’re not just providing a fish but teaching how to fish. These workers become the frontline warriors, equipped with the latest tech, ensuring their communities get timely, accurate care.

Satellite Clinics with AI-Powered Telemedicine Capabilities: For areas where even mobile units might find hard to reach, satellite clinics offer a solution. These clinics, connected to medical centers through telemedicine, can provide consultations, monitor patients, and even guide treatments. The power of AI ensures that the quality of care, whether delivered face-to-face or through a screen, remains top-notch.

Beyond the confines of routine healthcare, the scope of AI is vast. Imagine a war-torn region or a site of a natural disaster. The immediate aftermath requires swift, efficient medical interventions. Humanitarian groups, armed with AI tools, can ensure that aid isn’t just rapid but precise, catering to the exact medical needs of the affected populace.

In our pursuit of global health equality, AI is at the forefront, aiming to make quality healthcare a standard for all, rather than a privilege.

Real-World Examples

Aysa app

The “Aysa” app is a dermatology tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help individuals identify and understand skin conditions. Users can take a photo of their skin concern and the app will provide a potential diagnosis based on its database of skin conditions. It’s important to note that while Aysa can offer insights based on visual recognition, it’s not a replacement for a professional medical diagnosis. The app serves as an informational tool, guiding users on potential next steps and advising when it might be crucial to see a dermatologist or healthcare professional. The objective of such apps is to empower users with preliminary information and to facilitate informed decisions about their skin health.


Uses mobile apps to diagnose skin diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa

eSkinHealth is an innovative mobile application tailored for the unique healthcare challenges of Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly concerning skin diseases. Given that skin conditions can be prevalent in this region and access to dermatologists or specialized care can be limited, eSkinHealth aims to bridge this gap using technology.

It’s important to note that while tools like Aysa and eSkinHealth are innovative, they should be used as preliminary or supplementary tools, and not as definitive diagnostic tools.


In the heart of Nimbuka, in the trials of Maisha and the hopes of Luka, we see a reflection of countless lives around the world, yearning for timely and accurate medical care. In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) stand out as groundbreaking tools. These technologies are transforming the way we diagnose and understand diseases, making accurate medical insights more accessible than ever. The global potential of AI is undeniable, promising to bridge the glaring disparities in healthcare access across regions. From remote villages in Sub-Saharan Africa to bustling urban centers, AI holds the promise of universalizing quality healthcare. However, as we embrace this technological revolution, it is imperative to ensure continuous research, adequate funding, and address ethical concerns. Only with a understanding approach can we truly harness AI’s potential to redefine global healthcare, making it a right and not a privilege.

And that’s the end! Here are a few more nuggets of wisdom that you can learn about to expand your knowledge on AI in healthcare:

  1. The Democratization of Knowledge: Earlier, quality healthcare was synonymous with areas housing premier medical institutions or regions with a high concentration of skilled professionals. AI, with its ability to provide instant diagnoses and recommendations, is democratizing this knowledge. It ensures that the quality of diagnosis a person receives isn’t determined by their geographical location.
  2. Continuous Learning is the Key: The efficacy of AI models, especially in healthcare, hinges on the quality and diversity of the data they’re trained on. For these tools to be universally effective, they must be trained on varied datasets that encompass a myriad of ethnicities, age groups, and more. A potential pitfall to be wary of is the biases that can creep into AI models. For instance, if a model is predominantly trained on data from one ethnic group, its predictions may not be as accurate for individuals from other ethnic groups. Such biases could lead to misdiagnoses or overlooked symptoms. As AI continues to evolve in the healthcare domain, addressing and rectifying these biases is crucial to ensure the technology remains inclusive and benefits all.
  3. Empathy + AI = Complete Healthcare: While AI can diagnose with precision, the human touch, understanding, and empathy cannot be replaced. The future lies in the amalgamation of AI-powered precision with the warmth and understanding of human medical professionals.
  4. Ethical Considerations: As with any powerful tool, AI in healthcare comes with its own set of ethical considerations. Issues like data privacy, consent, and the potential for bias in AI models need to be addressed to ensure the technology benefits all without causing inadvertent harm.
  5. Personalized Treatment Plans: Beyond diagnosis, AI can also assist in crafting personalized treatment plans, taking into account the individual’s medical history, genetics, and more.
  6. Remote Monitoring: For chronic patients or those in recovery, AI-powered wearable devices can monitor vital stats in real-time, alerting medical professionals of any anomalies.
  7. Mental Health Aid: With the rising global mental health crisis, AI-powered chatbots and applications can provide immediate assistance, guiding individuals to relevant professionals or offering coping mechanisms.

