GSoC Update 2 — August

Asmit Malakannawar
2 min readAug 31, 2022


I published my last blog post about implementing a member addition form for Faces of GNOME. In this blog, I’m going to talk about my short presentation at GUADEC, as well as implementation of that feature and what things are left to do.


July 23, 2022 was an awesome day for me as I was going to present my project in an international conference for the very first time. I decided to send my pre-recorded presentation because of the time difference between India and Mexico. I could have attended this event in person, but due to visa unavailability issue I had to cancel this trip. I took part in Intern Lighting Talk held on the 3rd day of GUADEC. I presented my project, which you can check here on the YouTube. The experience was fun, and got to here some nice comments about my project as well :)

Project Update

So, last time we were stuck on the member addition form part. TLDR; We implemented it, plus added few new features!

My mentor, Claudio Wunder, helped me a lot for implementing this feature. His JavaScript approaches were so out of the box that I got to learn new concepts from him! The form now generates dynamic .yml files i.e. creating key-value pair only from the fields which are filled. So, for this, the form gets all the non-empty entries, handles array values in the form like socials and badges, maps them onto yml array and finally creates a dynamic yml file with filled values. You can check the implementation here.

PS: Don’t create spammy PRs xD

This also has a Bootstrap validation feature where it will generate custom CSS error messages if the required fields are left empty.

What’s left to do?

I have to talk to other organization members and implement vector graphics, images, work on existing data resources and copywrite text. We have a boiler plate text everywhere, so this week I will be working with Caroline to re-write texts wherever necessary.

Hope you liked this blog, thank you for taking out your time and reading it. Hang tight until the future updates!

