Our Sun Will Become Black — The Future Of Our Sun

A Space Story
1 min readMay 22, 2024

Our sun will become black! Scientists believe that the distant future has something strange prepared for our sun. It will become a Black Dwarf. But what does that mean?

Well right now our sun is a yellow dwarf. In about 5 billion years, the Sun will exhaust its hydrogen fuel and expand into a red giant. After 2 billion more years it will collapse into a white dwarf, a hot, dense remnant approximately the size of Earth but with about half the Sun’s current mass. Over hundreds of billions or even trillions of years the newly formed star will cool, forming a Black Dwarf. This object, that once was a stunning star, now no longer emits significant heat nor light. Sadly Black Dwarfs are still only theoretical objects because the universe simply isn’t old enough for any to exist yet! (Even though the universe is 13.7 billion years old)

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A Space Story

This blog is about astronomy, astrophysics and overall science. I unravel the wonders of the universe by telling interesting space stories!