World Wildlife Day Sparks Global Celebrations

World Wildlife Day takes place annually on March 3rd and sparks global celebrations and UN events stressing the 2020 theme of “Sustaining all life on Earth.” Wild animal and plant species are an important and essential component of biodiversity and their importance to people, especially those who live closest to nature and depend on them for their livelihoods.

World Wildlife Day 2020

This year’s theme is part of the ‘Biodiversity Super Year’, which will see several major events placing biodiversity at the forefront. Wild species of animals and plants are an integral part of the world’s biological diversity and offer many benefits to people, planet and prosperity. Wild animals and plants have Socially Sparked® our lives for over 35 billion years. The planet depends entirely on biodiversity for everything from food, energy, material for handicrafts and construction, to the very air we breathe.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals


The World Wildlife Day theme also underlines the importance of sustainable use of biodiversity…



Abbe Silverberg Sparks

A Social Entrepreneur. Founder, Abbe Sparks Media Group & Socially Sparked News. I write about the intersection of pop culture & social change & what inspires.