Weekly Download: Volume 02

Aspen | Web3 Platform
5 min readApr 21, 2022


Welcome (back!) to our weekly newsletter. In case you hadn’t heard, you can get this straight to your inbox a few days early by signing up at www.aspenft.io

In this week’s download

  • A few details on $ASPEN 🤑
  • A sneak peek at our UI 💻
  • Programming Calendar + Highlights 🗓️
  • Our Thread Picks 🧵
  • Partnership Perks + News 📝
  • Community + Quest Updates ⚔️


During Friday’s ASPEN Talk, we shared our first glimpse👀 into $ASPEN. Stay tuned to our Discord, Twitter (and here, on Medium!) for our upcoming litepaper announcement.

While we can’t reveal everything just yet — we’re excited to share the four major tenets of $ASPEN utility:

Transaction Fee Reduction
$ASPEN holders will incur lower transaction fees on the Aspen platform. This ✨perk✨ operates off a four-tiered system rewarded top tier token holders with the largest fee reductions.

Rewards per Transaction
Every transaction users complete on Aspen will generate $ASPEN. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need $ASPEN to use Aspen but you will earn $ASPEN using Aspen💰💰

Advanced Feature Access
Aspen is being designed to provide users a platform where they can make the best decisions for their portfolio, and we know every portfolio is different. To that end, our analytics and data dashboards📈 will be separated into Basic and Advanced tiers to provide the best information to the right groups. Basic analytics will be accessible to all platform users and Advanced options will be reserved for $ASPEN holders.

New Feature Weighting
While certain pieces of the product roadmap will be fully managed by the Aspen Team, others will be informed by our $ASPEN community🤝🏼We’re excited to provide token holders a voice in our product vision and to create the first community-first NFT platform.

And a few non-utility related notes📓

  • $ASPEN will be distributed via a claim protocol — not an airdrop
  • $ASPEN will be available for purchase on Uniswap
  • To be the first to receive $ASPEN updates, make sure you’re on our waitlist and in our Discord

And for a little sneak peek on what Aspen looks like, here’s a first look at our P2E dashboards courtesy of our 💜incredible💜 Product team👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Preview of Aspen’s P2E Performance Dashboard


Last week in Aspen Media:

  • Dr. Jeremy shared the NFTeach studio with Tridog of PleasrDAO and DogeNFT. Tune in Here
  • New subscriber this week? We’re happy you’re here. Read up on last week’s updates HERE
  • This week had not one but two NFTeach episodes! Access the bonus episode with Etched co-founders Brett and Ediz Here
  • Our partners at Sidechain released an episode covering NFTLA and their reactions. Check it out here
  • And as always👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


NFT Twitter is a wild place. Here’s a few of our top takeaways from last week👇🏽

@swombat.eth went viral with a thread connecting Moonbirds to the NFT market at large

@swombat’s viral thread connecting Moonbirds to the state of the NFT market as a whole

and @Dengentraland put a few words together on economics, game theory and NFT investing

Degentraland’s position on economics, game theory and NFT investing


Etched is taking degen to degenerous with their Prosocialites project — harnessing the power of digital community for charitable good.💜

We’re thrilled to share that NFT-Degen role holders in the Aspen Discord will automatically qualify for premint access for Prosocialites.


As a show of our 🙏🏽gratitude🙏🏽 to our community, the team has decided NOT to allocate any $ASPEN to industry influencers. There will be no paid third party shilling. Rather, we will ensure tokens are either allocated so our users can earn them and/or are reserved solely for the team and its investors/advisors. Access to our Unipool will be available to everybody at the same time.🏊‍♂️

We’re committed to preserving Aspen’s value to its users and will continue to prioritize our community over clout.

Now, some shout-outs.📣📣📣

We saw some incredible content from last week’s Thread Quest🧵⚔️

Congratulations to our winners🍾🍾

We’ve got more ⚔️Quests⚔️ coming up in Discord events and leading up to 🚀Beta Launch🚀 (which is somehow already next Friday!)


We’re excited to share our Customer Success team is growing🌱🌱🌱

Interested in what they’re working on? Want to get to know them? Don’t be shy🙃 They’re in our Discord, send them a little wave in 💭#General-Chat and introduce yourself.

A little note on our channels👾

  • If you’re new, start in 💭#General-Chat
  • Into gaming? Us too. See you in 🎮#Play-to-Earn
  • Wen token? Our 🚀beta launch🚀 is 4/29. But if you want to chat $ASPEN, hit up 💰#Token-Talks
  • Want to be alerted of new or ongoing NFT scams? Check out 🚨#scam-report

Our team is working diligently to foster meaningful and value-driven community connection in our server. To recognize members helping us consistently improve, our NFT-Degen role is awarded to those initiating thoughtful discourse in Discord.

We will be removing server participants who spam channels to ensure a positive experience for the community.

That’s it for the week. Now back to the grind to get ready for 4/29.

Until next week,

— Team Aspen💫

