Weekly Download: Volume 05

Aspen | Web3 Platform
3 min readMay 16, 2022


Welcome to our weekly newsletter. In case you aren’t on the list — you can get this straight to your inbox a few days early by signing up at www.aspenft.io. Tell a friend 💜

In this week’s download:

  • Updated Roadmap 🗺
  • Event Calendar + Highlights 🗓
  • Thread picks + NFT News from the team 🧵
  • Nifty League Integration Coming Soon 🔥
  • About the Amazing Aspen Community 💜
  • We’d love to hear from you! 💫


May Roadmap
Check out the latest updates on the way for Aspen this month:


For those eligible, information on how to claim Rewards can be found HERE


This week’s programming:

  • If you missed last Friday’s Weekly Aspen Product Update (APU) in our Discord, catch the recording HERE
  • Don’t miss this week’s APU Friday at 2pm ET in our Discord by setting a reminder HERE
  • Thanks to Darren Glover from VaynerSports for sitting down with Dr. Jeremy on NFTeach last week to discuss the current state of Web 3 gaming on the latest episode of NFTeach HERE.
  • Check out the Sidechain Gaming Spotlight Recording from last week talking Sappy Seals and our gaming integration.
  • New subscriber this week? We’re happy you’re here. Read up on last week’s updates HERE
  • Tonight at 5:30pm ET, we’re talking Zed Run with the team from Sidechain in Discord 🐎🐎🐎


Here’s a few of our team’s favorite highlights 👇

  • Art Blocks had a nice week with lots of renewed interest. They wrote a thread reintroducing themselves
  • The entire crypto world has been talking about the de-pegging of the stablecoin UST and the ramifications of such an enormous event. We liked this thread from jonwu.eth explaining things.


Nifty League Integration Coming Soon! 🔥

We’re drawing closer toward our second integration with the Nifty League community. Degen holders will soon have access to Aspen’s P2E dashboard where they can easily manage their assets and claim $NFTL while receiving $ASPEN at the same time.

Our first integration was with Sappy Seals. If you’re a Seals holder, log in and check out your Seals on our dashboard. Claim $PIXL and earn $ASPEN..


We 💜 Our Community!

We are so proud of our amazing community. What we are achieving together is incredible and as a thank you for loyalty and engagement, we provide opportunities for rewards every day. ✨

We are continuously holding events to be as close as possible to each of our members and give the transparency they deserve based on what happens with the platform. Additionally, in our Discord you’ll always find some fun with various games, quests and giveaways.


We’d love to hear from you! 💫

We are adding to and improving our Help Center constantly. Each week you can find new helpful content such as short how-to videos or release notes to stay informed on the recent improvements to Aspen.

As always, if you can’t find what you are looking for be sure to reach out through our request form and someone from our Customer Success team will get back to you quickly. If you have a feature request in mind, we want to hear about it. If you have a question about the platform, we look forward to assisting you!

Thanks for spending another Tuesday with us. See you on Aspen ✨

Until next week,
- Team Aspen 💫

