Eiran Cashin — a gem on my radar from the third tier of England.

T&E Scouting
7 min readJan 14, 2024


Full Name: Eiran Joe Cashin.

Date of Birth: 9th November, 2001.

Age: 22 y/o.

Citizenship: Ireland + England.

Height: 184cm / 6'0.

Position: Centre-back.

Club: Derby County.

Footedness: Left-footed.

Eiran Cashin’s biomechanics, — the reference.

I will contextualise this report early, because I am a authentic creator and hopefully that is how I am seen. You see, this will not be a usual long, detailed report that I do usually write. Why…? I am getting this out there, a piece for the portfolio that should really bring light to the entire process of scouting rather than the finished products. That is the thinking, anyway. So, despite that; The biomechanical point of reference is still SUPER important for me to include early in this report, sustainable roles, unsustainable actions, you get all that, we will refer back to this part the most. Let’s get started without wasting too much time then; He has a VERY good upper-body strength which has large capacity to be utilised with long throw-in routines, a very valuable or unique tool to have. He has a large muscle mass via his calf’s which is visible via the back-leg width, with his front-legs, he has a ‘decent’ increase of front-leg muscle via the quadricep tendon / thigh(s) though it doesn’t look like it’s a significant deficiency in truth. He has a decent tackle force exclusively via the patellar tendon + a great body leverage capacity.

Eiran Cashin’s injury history.

[there have been significant injuries documented that could impact Cashin’s potential].

Again, this is added into the report without repetition. Again, I am explaining to you how level one of risk-assessment is to document repetition within your work. Though, you probably don’t want to settle for level one, right…? If you’ve read my previous reports fully then you don’t want level one, this is the reality, the truth. So, do you want this? If so, I will tell you how to level up the skill(s) of risk-assessment in scouting. He has had ONE hamstring injury, it is actually the only injury that’s been documented across his career, it was in the 22/23 season missing 11 days and 2 games between January 15th, 2023 and January 26th 2023. (his first 90 minutes came nine days after that return date, with twenty six minutes four days after). Do you remember about his back-leg width, or at-least about how he is/should (be) slowed down in the sprint rather than sudden defensive movements…?

  1. With his physical-profile now covered, I want to say at this stage how I do want to look into his mental-profile which I will do later in this report, though for now; His technical profile or base is something that not only do I already have a lot to share on, it is also a part of his game that will connect with certain physiological traits that he has. That is what I have noticed, at this early stage of my scouting of Cashin.
  2. Eiran’s progressive passing is very good for a team who want to place a emphasis on control and/or organised attacks. Why? You remember about his increase of front-leg muscle or lack of, right…? You see, his passes from what I’ve seen have been played with the perfect weight on them via slowing down just as the receiver is about to gain control over the ball. This makes it easier to control. His zone-13 diagonals complements really well for a ‘touchline retention’ profile of left-winger who is SF. His teammates have not looked to run onto his passes, either.
Eiran Cashin’s passing data.

This is from this season, the 23/24 season. It’s only been added into the report as a reference, I don’t intend to spend too long on this section. You only really need to focus on the league one section, as that is the only one with a sufficient enough sample size. Rounded to a 75% success-rate on his passes in twenty three league starts, on average he plays five long balls per90, etc, etc. Let’s get back into the report now, you can take a more detailed look into the stats here if you want.

3. He ‘moves’ the opposition’s block well from zone-4, his switches are good and his orientation for those passes have also looked very good. He has adapted his orientation well, for the most part, he could likely cover on his ‘weaker’ right side to a decent level; Good shoulder length + weak-foot potential in certain situations.

4. So, we have spoken about his passing in settled play, so now what about when pressure from the opposition is rushing his on-ball action…? Because the truth is that with time his weight of pass is VERY good for the receiver, as we have discussed, because he doesn’t rely purely on distance maintained. Though, his power generated? You know about how good his overall upper-body is, and while this comes with far more positives than negatives, the one thing that I must include is that I HAVE noticed his rushed passes or clearances to be fizzed into the receiver into a chaotic battling 50–50 moment if it isn’t the latter. Do you remember my scouting report on Ogundere; I said how well he intuitively defends loose-touches from the zone-13 occupant, right…? This is him [passing] under pressure.

5. I also said about his switches of play + orientation. Do you remember? His power generated on these horizontal or diagonal passes is again very good, the risk on his ‘linear’ passes being intercepted is so, so LOW.

6. Now, onto his physiological-profile as I understand it. I have got some quotes from certain interviews that he has taken to share, though it is the impulsive on-field actions that have came to my attention first.

7. I said ‘impulsive’, though, truthly, that couldn’t be further from the truth… You see, Derby’s game away against Fleetwood was played with a general AQI rate of 30 in the area of the stadium. It is not bad, though it is not low enough to significantly protect player’s from reacting upon their natural instructs with my experience on this. So, what is it that I noticed…? Cashin controls his aggression REALLY well, the intuitive sense for figuratively hitting the opposition does not seem to effect his game, we know that he has good initial acceleration though is slowed down in the sprint after the ‘acceleration phase’. And, this actually leads me onto my final point, and, well, it is ironic that it is the final point. You see, it was the FIRST trait I saw from Eiran Cashin that really opened the door for me wanting to take a closer look into this talent. So, what exactly was that attribute? It is his CONFIDENCE on defensive transition. You see, his role for rest-defence was to be aggressive against Fleetwood’s zone-15 occupant to put him off on their counter-attack. And, with all we have already learnt, it is safe to NOT categories him as a ‘pure-defender’ type. So, how did this impressed me the most? Because I initially said about his confidence from that phase, though it must be generalised into further detail. You see, it is how well he holds eye-contact in a controlled aggressive sprint, imposes himself on the situation so that HE is in control and just how well he forces the loose-touch / the counter-attack to break.

‘Just give us a few words on how you and the boys are feeling’ [after the win against Fleetwood], — a one month old interview.

‘yeah, confidence is up, another win and we’re starting to put together a good run which is good. So yeah, long may that continue’.

Still body language, calm posture, good eye contact with interviewer, lack of change of movements from the eye. Good focus or concentration.


I will be back. I’ll be speaking on Eiran Cashin from a tactical perspective in the future, his potential is one that I am interested in and will be keeping a eye on.

Thanks for reading,

If you are still reading then maybe you remember some key words in this report that wasn’t necessarily about this player, right…? I tested your commitment to the role you pretend is your purpose. Do you understand why? A summation of the largest following, the materialistic desires or the status means very little to me. I want to help you, specifically if you want to work inside football; I will show you the path, I will open your eyes, though you have to be prepared to walk through the door yourself…

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