Mahesh Kalyanpur
3 min readJul 7, 2020
An Angel, Superwoman, Supermom, Perfectionist, my mentor, my mother.

21st Century Skills I Learnt From An Angel.

It was in the year 1998, I and my mom was traveling from Mangalore to Honnavar by a private bus. It was sunny and I was sitting in the window seat enjoying the warm breeze hitting my face.

Our bus stopped at Shiroor, a few passengers got down and suddenly I could hear heated arguments which turned into violence between the conductor of the bus and passengers. In no time even the driver was infuriated and joined the fight. All the passengers were helplessly looking at people fighting. In his fury, the driver forgot to keep the bus on gear and unfortunately, the bus was on a slope and slowly the bus moved. No one noticed it initially, but as the moving bus picked up speed all started screaming and all were in a state of panic except one.

She showed the highest level of presence of mind. She just jumped out of her seat and ran towards the driver’s seat. with utmost concentration and confidence, she took control of the bus and parked it on the roadside. All passengers on the bus started clapping for her and I stood there with utmost pride. That was the first time I realized that my mom knew a skill (driving) that probably saved 60+ lives.

The bus driver came to my mom and thanked her infinitely for her bravery. As the journey continued, I told mom that I just couldn't believe what just happened. It was at that moment my mom taught me some of the most important Life Skills that one must have to make a difference in the 21st century. She told me that acquiring a skill for instant gratification is short-lived but if you acquire a skill for long term gratification then it is a long term investment in self. I didn't understand it then and I told her to simplify it. She said “I didn't learn driving just because I wanted to drive a car. We don't even have one. I learnt it because I thought it is worth a skill to acquire for life and just see how it got applied in life.”

She then continued, she said, “we are heading towards 21st century, Now I will teach you 5 most important life skills of the 21st century which you must master as you grow.” I said yes mom please tell. I was eager and so focused to hear from the hero sitting beside me. She said, “The 5 C’s of tomorrow are Confidence, Critical thinking, Creativity, communication and Collaboration”. Since then I have always worked hard on mastering each one and at this point, as I am sharing this story with you, I can confidently say that this is a life long commitment and you must strive to upgrade yourself on a regular basis depending on the needs of the future.

I wish to end this blog with some quotes that will help you the most…

“Learn to hide your need and show your skill. — Jim Rohn.”

“Future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways- Robert Greene.”

“Formal education can teach you a great deal, but many of the life skills are the ones you have to develop on your own. — Lee Lacocca.”

“You got to drill if you want a skill.- Mahesh kalyanpur.”