What is carpet area, built up area, and super built up area?

vilas shinde
3 min readJan 27, 2023


Have you heard the terms “built-up area,” “super built-up area,” and “carpet area”? Are you investing in a house? You must comprehend these phrases if you are anything else. If not, there is still time to learn about your house.

The area or square footage of homes in residential apartment can be calculated in three different ways. They are carpet areas, extremely built-up areas, and built-up areas. Although they may sound similar, these are completely different ideas.

Built-up area

The term “built-up area” refers to the area that lasts. Including the carpet area (which is defined below) and the space occupied by walls. The thickness of the inside walls constructed in a dwelling unit is known as the wall area.

The built-up area also includes additional spaces like a balcony and terrace. This may make up 10% of the built-up area. Therefore, only 10% of the built-up area will be utilized (the carpet area).

In addition, the calculation for a wall depends on whether it is shared with another unit or not. If it is not, the calculation is 50%; otherwise, it is 100%.

Super built-up area

The “super built-up area” is the area that builders typically mention. The built-up area and communal spaces, such as the elevator lobby, stairwells, and hallways, are added to determine the area.

In some circumstances, the pool, garden area, indoor sports facility, and clubhouse can all be included in the common area. The developer will charge you according to the densely populated area. Super-developed land is also referred to as “saleable” land.

But compound walls, open-air swimming pools, public athletic fields, weather sheds, inaccessible flowerbeds, lofts, shared open-air terraces, and underground sump and septic tanks are not considered to be part of super-built-up regions.

Carpet Area

The area that can be covered by a carpet or the area of an apartment, omitting the thickness of interior walls, is simply the carpet area.

The main space you have access to in a house is the carpet area. The area covered by shared common areas, including the lobby, stairs, play area, and elevator, shouldn’t be considered part of the carpet area. Therefore, when choosing a home, simply consider the carpet area because it is the size that will give you a sense of the actual space that you can utilize or move around in

You may determine the space that is available in the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, and living room by concentrating on the carpet area. A certain portion of other spaces like the balcony, terrace, and verandah is also include in the carpet area. This is frequently overlooked in calculations.

Having a solid understanding of these concepts can help you make wise decisions, stay current on the topic, invest wisely, and ultimately save a lot of money.

