Netlify, an ideal deployment tool for a Front-end developer

Assitan Koné
2 min readNov 21, 2018


If you are a Front-end Developer looking for a tool to deploy your website with a few configs and extras like Continuous Delivery, but DevOps world scares you, I recommend using Netlify. You can keep a familiar platform like Github, with just two inputs to fill in the interface. Then, you can quickly send your website to production after going further and choosing to set environment variables, especially if your website back-end is in Node.js.

You have to fill build command and public directory

Pay attention to logs

Logs are helpful. Don’t hesitate to read all of it before asking for help. For instance, the first time I tried to deploy, I had an issue. I thought the logs weren’t helpful because I saw one “Error” at the bottom but no precision. But by reading all the logs, I understood that it was about Yarn. So I switched the build command to Npm, and it was good.


After the first time, when you push a commit on master, Netlify is notified and deploys the code. Also, there is a pre-render. Thus, you can easily change the domain and add multiple websites for free (for one user).

You don’t need to worry about HTTPS

HTTPS is the standard on Google Chrome? No problem, Netlify provides HTTPS for you.

Read the doc

The documentation is quite complete. It even has a section with built gotchas. In addition, they provide a support service, and if you are lost, you can check their Youtube channel.


Netlify allows you to remove logic. With this platform, you can create forms, handle logins, add users. It could be handy if you want to set up a quick project.


I wanted a simple platform to deploy my VuePress website. I chose Netlify because of its simplicity. It’s also an excellent introduction to DevOps subjects like Continuous Delivery.

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Assitan Koné

Software engineer senior | Data science enthusiast. Also a digital arts graduate, so I love explaining data science and programming concepts with illustrations.