📧 astangl@gmail.com

📍 Salvador-BA, Brazil

🔹 **Educator & Digital Philosopher**

🔹 **Columnist** for Correio Newspaper (BA)

🔹 **Interests**: Philosophy, Digital Culture, Digital Education, AI

🎓 **Academic Background**:

- Bachelor in Philosophy, UFBA

- Master in Communication/Cyberculture, FACOM, UFBA

- PhD in Digital Communication, ECA, USP

👨‍🏫 **Teaching Experience**:

- Postgrad: Cyberculture, Cultural Journalism (Digital), Actor-Network Theory

- Undergrad: Philosophy, Ethics, Digital Culture, Humanities

- High School & Middle School Teaching

🔬 **Research and Projects**:

- Educational Games, Collaborative Digital Art, Open Business

👥 **Other Roles**:

- Mentor for Media Education, EducaMidia Project


Connect with Andre Stangl
Andre Stangl

Andre Stangl

Digital educator & philosopher with USP PhD, focused on AI, digital culture, and media education. Salvador-Bahia-Brazil.