Start The Clock: Maddox Has 20 Days To Respond, Or It’s Case Dismissed…FOREVER!

Asterios Kokkinos
4 min readAug 9, 2018


As of this moment, Maddox has 19 days, 7 hours, 33 minutes and 19 seconds to poop or get off the pot!

Today, the fair, wise and incredibly handsome Judge Charles E. Ramos issued an order aimed at clearing the most frivolous case in the universe from the New York State Supreme Court.

As you’ll recall from our May proceedings, Maddox’s maliciously meritless $20 million dollar misadventure was dismissed in less than 45 minutes, described by the Honorable Judge Ramos as both “frivolous” AND “in bad faith.”

I mean one’s bad enough, but frivolous AND in bad faith?! Nice twofer, Maddox!

Of course, I wasn’t the only unlucky mug George “Maddox” Oz sued. His twenty million dollar debacle included 16 causes of action against 10 different defendants, including:

–My former employer Weber Shandwick

–My former employer’s in-house lawyer (to ensure they’d have to spend LOTS of cash on outside counsel)

–Two other comedians

–THEIR employer

–Patreon itself

–And some poor customer service rep from Patreon who didn’t answer Maddox’s emails fast enough:

As a quick reminder: I was sued for recording several “dis tracks” (rap term) about Maddox. He’s the world’s first internet troll, and made a LOT of money mocking public figures. When my album mocking Maddox hit the Billboard charts at #6, it was sadly, too much butthurt for the former comedian.

That’s when he sued me for $20 million dollars, and turned my life upside-down.

And if you don’t believe that he regularly mocks public figures like himself, here’s an article where he calls Sasha Grey despicable things for no good reason:

Ah-ha-ha-ha! Who doesn’t love Maddox’s hilarious misogyny?

Here’s what’s not funny: at this point, this lawsuit has cost me over twenty seven thousand dollars. It’s cleaned out my savings, put me in massive credit card debt, and worst of all: caused me to stress eat.

My weight has ballooned from 230lbs to 232 lbs. My adonis-like physique may never recover.

But here’s the good news: Maddox can no longer keep me in legal limbo. He either refiles his case, or sees it dismissed with prejudice forever.

And I usually hate prejudice!

He could refile, of course. If he’s dumb enough to sue me once, he’s dumb enough to sue me twice. But should he fail to refile, we’ll move straight to the fun part: “The Battle For Sanctions.”

Sanctions are a cash penalty courts levy on vexatious litigants. And Maddox is as vexatious as they come — a sad, formerly-funny man who’s abused the New York legal system to settle a score.

Think of all the good that could have been done with the courts time. Think of all the genuine victims of actual crimes who wait months — or years — to get in front of a judge.

And now imagine this guy taking their place in line:

The Battle For Sanctions looms. And after it, a potential countersuit for Malicious Prosecution, including AT LEAST $27,000 in provable damages from defending against this loser of a lawsuit:

But that’s for later. For today, it’s all good news. And lord knows I needed some.

As always, I’d like to thank the GoFundMe donors and Patreon supporters, for funding my quest for justice. Nobody else has paid for my legal defense — not my former employer, not my friends, not my parents — nobody. Thanks to you, I’m still in the fight.

And it’s a fight I intend to win.

Hugs & Kisses,

Asterios Kokkinos


