How to Choose the Right Managed Print Services Company in India: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

2 min readDec 12, 2023

In the modern business landscape, efficient management of printing infrastructure is crucial for optimizing productivity, reducing costs, and streamlining operations. Choosing the right Managed Print Services (MPS) company in India can significantly impact your organization’s efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

At Asterisk Electronics, we understand the importance of selecting the ideal MPS provider to suit your specific needs. Here are some essential tips and considerations to help businesses navigate this decision-making process:

1. Assess Your Printing Needs: Begin by evaluating your current printing environment, including the volume of printing, types of documents, and workflow requirements. Understanding your needs helps in selecting an MPS company capable of providing tailored solutions.

2. Range of Services Offered: Look for an MPS provider that offers a comprehensive suite of services, including print fleet management, maintenance, supplies, document management, and workflow optimization. Ensure they can customize their offerings to align with your business goals.

3. Scalability and Flexibility: Your business needs may evolve, so choose an MPS company that can scale its services accordingly. Flexibility in adjusting the services as your business grows or changes is crucial for long-term partnership viability.

4. Technological Capabilities: Opt for an MPS company that employs cutting-edge technologies and solutions for efficient print management. Technologies like cloud-based printing, secure printing, and mobile printing can enhance productivity and security.

5. Cost Transparency and Savings: A reliable MPS provider should offer transparent pricing structures and demonstrate how their services can lead to cost savings. Evaluate their cost-per-page models and assess potential savings in the long run.

6. Security Measures: Protecting sensitive data is paramount. Ensure the MPS provider implements robust security measures to safeguard your documents and printing infrastructure against breaches and unauthorized access.

7. Track Record and Reputation: Research the reputation and track record of the MPS company. Check reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gauge their reliability, customer service, and successful implementations.

8. Environmental Sustainability: Consider an MPS company that emphasizes environmentally friendly practices by promoting recycling, reducing paper waste, and employing energy-efficient technologies.

9. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Support: Review the SLAs offered by the MPS provider, including response times, maintenance protocols, and customer support availability. A responsive and supportive provider is crucial for uninterrupted operations.

10. Industry Experience and Expertise: Look for an MPS company with extensive experience and expertise in serving businesses in your industry. Their understanding of industry-specific needs can make a significant difference.

At Asterisk Electronics, we understand the significance of selecting the right Managed Print Services Company in India. Our commitment to providing tailored MPS solutions, leveraging the latest technologies, and prioritizing client satisfaction sets us apart.

Make an informed decision when choosing an MPS provider; it’s a partnership that can streamline your printing processes and drive your business toward greater efficiency.

For more information on how Asterisk Electronics can cater to your MPS needs, contact us today!

