3 min readDec 18, 2018

True colors

I have been giving it a lot of thought and I can say from personal experience it is true that when you need someone or in this case work with someone they show you their true colors.
I have a friend, let’s call her Ivy, whom I have known since kindergarten and she was my best friend. I still love to spend time with her but things changed. It is not like before. Maybe change is good, I can accept change because we all change I think, we don’t stay 100% the same as we were 5 years ago.
I’ll tell you my side of the story and I will try to keep this short.

A few years ago I started working in a casino, I was responsible for the machines. Then after a few months, since I started working, I helped Ivy get a job there working in the bar. I am a helpful person, I like to help people it makes me feel good to do something nice and good for someone. So when Ivy started working, I helped her with the dishes and orders even though that wasn’t in my job’s description, I didn’t mind. But when I needed her help, to teach her how to operate the machines so I can take a lunch break or go to the toilet she didn’t want to. The machines weren’t in her job description.
I didn’t get mad, but I was disappointed. I thought that she cared about me as I did for her, alas I was wrong. It was her right to say no and I respect that. This situation wasn’t something big, it was trivial, but it helped me see her true colors. Don’t get me wrong, Ivy is a good person but she will always look after her own interests. You never truly know someone unless you go through every situation with them.
Nobody’s perfect that is a fact. But some feelings of mutual respect and care should exist. The fundamental thing in any kind of relationship is mutual respect. Well, no one is the same, those differences make our lives interesting. I chose to accept her as she is but I know now what I can expect from her.
We all want to be accepted for who we are. I am far from perfect, I know that and I try to be a better person every day, not for anybody else but for me. Try to be how you want to be and to be happy with yourselves.
Remember, we might think that we know someone inside out but there will be situations where that person may surprise us, in a positive or negative way, and show us their true colors. It is up to you whether you will accept that person for who they are and love them. Love is a wonderful feeling and to be loved for who we are is something that all of us desire to be, so keep that in mind.

As Told by B


"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter"