
Captain Cavey
3 min readApr 17, 2022

And that’s the thing about connection.

Sometimes we need to let it buildup, through logic, reason and experience; chords we can identify before we accept it.

But there are times.

Times it’s just immediate.

From the first note. That very first chord that resonates so much, you find yourself liking the song; you’ve never heard it before but something about it, commands your attention. Same thing with art. You have no idea what exactly it is you’re looking at (yet) but it speaks with and to you; the colors and the way they act in unison to stir something, as if saying “there’s a bit of you, here in me”.

resonance (noun): the quality in a sound of being deep, full and reverberating.

Deep. Full. Reverberating.

resonance (physics); the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface

or by synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.

I love physics’ ability to make clear, the workings of things and I understand every day, why its laws are. There just are some stories told in art, music, sculpting, food, dance, even sex, that at the mere exposure to their existence, draw us in because we share something in common. A reinforcement by reflection. The more we listen to the music, the more we study the painting, like the proverbial moth to the flame, we can’t but let all else fall to the background and strum to the energy that has us, like strings on a guitar. More than liking the combination of colors used, more than admiring the strokes the brushes made on canvas but also an understanding of their nature, their origin; an invisible knowledge of soul by the way the story is told, borne of an iteration of experience. A prolongation by vibrations in synchrony.

We often, adamantly seek to make sense and understand too quickly, the reason for our resonance to these stories. More often than sometimes, our willingness to sacrifice the validation that comes from this synchrony of parts in its fullness, reverberating and feeding off each other, by seeking tangible chords of connections is a flaw; not borne of conceit or deceit but of ignorance and maybe even disbelief that something so unfamiliar would feel so homely. Fear not, for these connections are a lot more common and simultaneously rarer than we think, but they exist and I’m grateful to be no stranger to this experience, as I learned to play the piano when I was a 4-year-old and music has always been a part of me so it makes sense that I find homes in it. For some, it’s scents, for others, clothes maybe even pyrography; Like fingerprints, no one on earth has the exact same note and no one can understand better than ourselves, the reason we resonate with whatever, all that matters is the depth and fullness of it. Our ‘surface/neighboring object’ varies and for this, we are blessed with as many stories in all their forms that exist, and that, is absolutely beautiful. To all artists and artistes, we thank you for telling the stories you do the way only you can and making the world, the symphony it is.

That’s not the best part.

For one second imagine this connection, the resonance, but this time with a person.

Life changing.

Muse: a picture I saw.



Captain Cavey

“words are only tools meant to help recreate a feeling and thus, I wield them”.